BUSINESS NEED to get in contact with Level 2 Tech Support Supervisor



After difficulty with Office Outlook 2007, tech recommended I upgrade to Office 365 on June 11th....that was 2 weeks ago and endless phone calls remote sessions....many, many hours and still no resolution!

This is my business email so I have been in "limbo" for 2 weeks now!!

I have at least 5 different technicians "working/repairing" my computer and each undoes what the other has done or changes something so it is all messed up....they do not listen as to what has already been done nor do they read the notes on the file.

It was escalated to Level 2 support 2 technicians ago

The second last technician signed my file off as resolved and I told her no it isn't so she said if I have a problem to email. I called her the next day as amonth's worth of emails are missing out of my "Sent" folder, she won't respond and just gave me a phone number 1-800-642-7676 to contact.

I called yesterday, Level 2 support was supposed to call back in 2 hours, they did not.

I phoned this morning, the tech proceeded to "undo" everything the previous girl had done

I told him I was missing a bunch of emails, he is changing it from POP to IMAP, synchronizing...emails not there....all of a sudden phone gets disconnected. I tell him through remote assistance that we got disconnected and give my phone number, he says he is trying to phone, I get a phone call which says "TEST" on my call display, I answer and nobody there.

He then ends the remote session on my computer, leaving it in disrepair.

I call the 1-800-642-7676 and then am put on hold for Level 2 support again......I have been on hold over 45 minutes now!

At this point, I NEED to speak to a supervisor!

What's the point of paying for the yearly subscription to the answer desk if you have to spend so much time on hold AND waiting for return calls (they say "we will call you back in 15-30 min"...........4 hours later, no call)????

There is no point in asking for a supervisor when calling the 800# because they just bypass the request by saying "Oh I'm sure I can help you", NO they can't!

If I can't get a supervisor involved, then can someone at least point me in the direction of where I can file a complaint about this incident? (Will it go on deaf ears? Maybe if enough people complain about this, then maybe just maybe, someone in the company will listen!) Pretty sure we aren't the only ones who have had this type of experience with tech support..........



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