Closing Lid = Sleep



Levono laptop, Windows 10, closing lid enters Sleep. Opening lid, resumes. Well, it used to resume. For past 2 days, opening the lid displays the background of the log-on screen; no icon/button; no password-field. No keys of keyboard do anything.

The laptop used to return from sleep immediately upon opening (no log-on required, no log-on-background) it started at the "last-used" program, or at least, from the Desktop display.

Question 1 -- Why is a password now required - to resume from Sleep?

Question 2 -- How can that be eliminated?

Question 3 -- What is the reason/remedy/correction for the background image of the log-in displaying, without the necessary password-field? (If questions 1, & 2 cannot be corrected)?

Ideally, I seek the remedy for Question 2. But, not knowing how a log-on from Sleep is (Now) required, the remedy for a no-entry-possible log-on (locked image without any key function, nor 'password'-field/clock/Nothing) -- It seems I'll be needing a reliable answer to question 3, as well (that is, getting the FULL log-on screen, not just the background locked.

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