June 12, 2018 update of Windows 10

  • Thread starter Thorne Sutherland
  • Start date

Thorne Sutherland

Over night of June 12, 2018, my laptop applied some updates to Windows 10. Since then I am unable to use the laptop display and have to use an external monitor. I have been using my laptop to watch Netflix on my home theatre therefore the external monitor was plugged in when the updates were applied.

The reason I suspect that my problem is related to the updates that were installed is that most of the drivers have an event entry for June 12 stating device was migrated. I also see that a number of programs and apps now show an installation date of June 12.

I have determined that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the laptop's display as when I start the system, the manufacturer's logo appears. This disappears as soon as Windows takes over control of the devices. As part of the troubleshooting, I attempted a system restore and as the update was being rolled back, the screen was functioning normally. However, the automatic update feature of Windows soon detected that updates needed to be applied and the display reverted to the previous state - i.e. only an external monitor. Since then, a number of additonal updates have been received and applied and I am no longer able to roll back to a date prior to June 12.

I have an Acer Aspire VN7-591G with intel i7 and 16 GB of RAM. Most confusing is that I am fairly certain that the installation of windows on the laptop was Win 10 Professional, yet now it is Win 10 Home. I purchased it in 2015 and looking for the receipt but unable to locate it and the store where it was purchased is no longer in business.

A lot of modification have been made over the past few months, modifications I do not need and most certainly did not ask for. If it wasn't for the fact that some ofthe software that I run will only run on Windows, I would have changed long ago. Software companies need to stop making assumptions on what their customers want and engage with them.

If anyone has any comments or would be able to point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.

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