WIN 98 - Owner Name



I wish to change the owner name on my WIN98. From control
panel/system/general tab there is the name of the system owner. How may I
change this to another name?

Don Phillipson

"KAWENA" <> wrote in message

> I wish to change the owner name on my WIN98. From control
> panel/system/general tab there is the name of the system owner. How may I
> change this to another name?

Easy . . . using REGEDIT.EXE
just do / Edit / Find search for the old
name among the Values. Select that
key when you find it, and right click to
enable you to Edit it i.e write whatever
you like.

If you have never used REGEDIT before,
use / File / Export first
to make a backup copy of the Registry
before you alter it.
Don Phillipson
Carlsbad Springs
(Ottawa, Canada)


KAWENA wrote:
| I wish to change the owner name on my WIN98. From control
| panel/system/general tab there is the name of the system owner. How
| may I change this to another name?

My name is in this Registry key...
RegisteredOwner "My real name"

Oops, it is actually in FIVE Registry keys. That one, two for WinZip,
one for Motive (what is that?), & finally one for Microsoft Works.

To see yours...
(a) "START button, Run, Regedit".
"My Computer" should be highlighted in the left pane.
(b) Using the Edit menu, Find your name.
(c) If you so desire, R-Clk it in the right pane, & select "Modify".
(d) Proceed again from (b), until RegEdit says there are no more.

CAREFUL in the Registry, though. DON'T willy-nilly change anything you
see! Also, RegEdit's Find is SLOW-- be patient, or take... 's Registry Detective, which incredibly will find
all matches to any search in 10 seconds & put them all to the screen for
examination. Take RegEdit+ as well!

Also, my name can be found in...

To find more...
(a) "START button, Find, Files or Folders"
(b) Enter your name in the "Containing text" field"

But don't nobody come a lookin' fer me, specially no revenuers! They'll
all be shot!

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Yeah, fully back up all of your data before playing around in the registry.
I always think of the registry as the brains of the computer. The computer
is just a dumb machine without its brains. Anyway, it is better to also
bring a registry expert friend or two along if you are unfamiliar with the
registry. I also do not suggest using any automatic registry removers
because they could remove some important registry entries by accident. It is
much better to have some unwanted and unused registry entries lying around
than to be missing critical ones that you need.

"PCR" wrote:

> KAWENA wrote:
> | I wish to change the owner name on my WIN98. From control
> | panel/system/general tab there is the name of the system owner. How
> | may I change this to another name?
> My name is in this Registry key...
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
> RegisteredOwner "My real name"
> Oops, it is actually in FIVE Registry keys. That one, two for WinZip,
> one for Motive (what is that?), & finally one for Microsoft Works.
> To see yours...
> (a) "START button, Run, Regedit".
> "My Computer" should be highlighted in the left pane.
> (b) Using the Edit menu, Find your name.
> (c) If you so desire, R-Clk it in the right pane, & select "Modify".
> (d) Proceed again from (b), until RegEdit says there are no more.
> CAREFUL in the Registry, though. DON'T willy-nilly change anything you
> see! Also, RegEdit's Find is SLOW-- be patient, or take...
> 's Registry Detective, which incredibly will find
> all matches to any search in 10 seconds & put them all to the screen for
> examination. Take RegEdit+ as well!
> Also, my name can be found in...
> C:\WINDOWS\helpdesk\winrep\userinfo.txt
> To find more...
> (a) "START button, Find, Files or Folders"
> (b) Enter your name in the "Containing text" field"
> But don't nobody come a lookin' fer me, specially no revenuers! They'll
> all be shot!
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


Don, I would expand upon your reply to say it is always a good idea to make a
back up copy of the registry even if you are an expert but that is just my

"Don Phillipson" wrote:

> "KAWENA" <> wrote in message
> > I wish to change the owner name on my WIN98. From control
> > panel/system/general tab there is the name of the system owner. How may I
> > change this to another name?

> Easy . . . using REGEDIT.EXE
> just do / Edit / Find search for the old
> name among the Values. Select that
> key when you find it, and right click to
> enable you to Edit it i.e write whatever
> you like.
> If you have never used REGEDIT before,
> use / File / Export first
> to make a backup copy of the Registry
> before you alter it.
> --
> Don Phillipson
> Carlsbad Springs
> (Ottawa, Canada)


Dan wrote:
| Yeah, fully back up all of your data before playing around in the
| registry. I always think of the registry as the brains of the
| computer. The computer is just a dumb machine without its brains.
| Anyway, it is better to also bring a registry expert friend or two
| along if you are unfamiliar with the registry. I also do not suggest
| using any automatic registry removers because they could remove some
| important registry entries by accident. It is much better to have
| some unwanted and unused registry entries lying around than to be
| missing critical ones that you need.

That's right. Either back it or verify that the auto-backup mechanism is
alive & well. Here is my Master Post about that...

to investigate your Registry backups...

(a) "START button, Settings, Folder Options, View tab".
Bolt "Show all files" & UNcheck "Hide file extensions..."

(b) "START button, Find, F/F, RB???.cab".

Those are the Registry backups, in Sysbckup\. Are there five,
plus an RBbad? Are the dates consistent with each of the last five
days you've successfully boot? What is the date on RBbad?

(2) "START button, Programs, MS-DOS Prompt". Then...
(a) CD C:\Windows\Sysbckup
(b) DIR RB???.cab /od
(c) Use the "Mark" button, outline text with mouse, "Copy" & post for

Here was mine on 09-22-05...

C:\>CD C:\Windows\Sysbckup
C:\WINDOWS\SYSBCKUP>dir rb???.cab /od /a
RBBAD CAB 1,593,319 09-08-05 5:22p
RB001 CAB 1,590,251 09-18-05 3:34p
RB002 CAB 1,589,811 09-19-05 9:15a
RB003 CAB 1,583,534 09-20-05 8:53a
RB004 CAB 1,583,487 09-21-05 10:01a
RB005 CAB 1,583,477 09-22-05 11:54a
6 file(s) 9,523,879 bytes

Note, on 9/8 I did a Scanreg /Fix, which created the RBbad. It is also
created when Windows decides on it's own to replace a Registry with one
of the backups. Then, the Registry that was replaced ends up in RBbad.

One is created at the first successful boot per day, when all is well.
So, check those dates. When Windows detects a Registry corruption at
boot, it will look for one of those backups to replace it with. If there
only is a very old one in there, it would explain a loss of recent
changes to settings at reboot.

Also check that "ScanRegistry" is checked in..
"START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"
.... It should read...

ScanRegistry c:\windows\scanregw.exe /autorun

Perhaps look inside "C:\Windows\Scanreg.ini". Here is how a normal one
should look...


Scanreg.ini for making system backups.

Registry backup is skipped altogether if this is set to 0

Registry automatic optimization is skipped if this is set to 0


Backup directory where the cabs are stored is
<windir>\sysbckup by default. Value below overrides it.
It must be a full path. ex. c:\tmp\backup


Additional system files to backup into cab as follows:
Filenames are separated by ','
dir code can be:
10 : windir (ex. c:\windows)
11 : system dir (ex. c:\windows\system)
30 : boot dir (ex. c:\)
31 : boot host dir (ex. c:\)

Files=[dir code,]file1,file2,file3
Files=[dir code,]file1,file2,file3

| "PCR" wrote:
|> KAWENA wrote:
|> | I wish to change the owner name on my WIN98. From control
|> | panel/system/general tab there is the name of the system owner.
|> | How may I change this to another name?
|> My name is in this Registry key...
|> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
|> RegisteredOwner "My real name"
|> Oops, it is actually in FIVE Registry keys. That one, two for WinZip,
|> one for Motive (what is that?), & finally one for Microsoft Works.
|> To see yours...
|> (a) "START button, Run, Regedit".
|> "My Computer" should be highlighted in the left pane.
|> (b) Using the Edit menu, Find your name.
|> (c) If you so desire, R-Clk it in the right pane, & select "Modify".
|> (d) Proceed again from (b), until RegEdit says there are no more.
|> CAREFUL in the Registry, though. DON'T willy-nilly change anything
|> you see! Also, RegEdit's Find is SLOW-- be patient, or take...
|> 's Registry Detective, which incredibly will
|> find all matches to any search in 10 seconds & put them all to the
|> screen for examination. Take RegEdit+ as well!
|> Also, my name can be found in...
|> C:\WINDOWS\helpdesk\winrep\userinfo.txt
|> To find more...
|> (a) "START button, Find, Files or Folders"
|> (b) Enter your name in the "Containing text" field"
|> But don't nobody come a lookin' fer me, specially no revenuers!
|> They'll all be shot!
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


and look for the 'Change Registered Owner and/or Organization' VBS tool.


"KAWENA" <> wrote in message
>I wish to change the owner name on my WIN98. From control
> panel/system/general tab there is the name of the system owner. How may I
> change this to another name?
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