Why Windows 10 fails :(

  • Thread starter Jason S. Arencibia
  • Start date

Jason S. Arencibia

I've loved Windows 10 for the most part! it feels like Windows XP under the hood, with a nice UI, that needs more options to personalize it!

Here is where Windows 10 FAILS! this insistence on redefining what a service is, RATHER than providing a STABLE PLATFORM, for services to run on! it's like the power company or cable company perpetually updating firmware to the box on the pole, even if it's not needed, wanted, or supported, leaving the customer without power or cable, or any other analogy you can think of! They provide a SERVICE!!! and as long as the hardware passes inspection, they SERVICE is allowed to run on it!

An OS: Should be a stable platform, the user upgrades or updates when needed, and when they want! and should be able to determine if they have reached the upgrade that offers optimal performance, and does not disable the overall machine!

An example of this is my old PC that my son uses. It's an old Athlon 64 X2 5000+ system with 4gb of ram... until last November that machine was awesome and 100% perfect with Windows 10! Until a FORCED windows update that basically trashed the system, this so called service isn't smart enough to determine that the next update isn't compatible with the hardware, and replaced a perfectly working graphics driver, with trash that couldn't run the onboard gpu anymore! FORCED HARDWEAR upgrade! instead of a way to halt all further updates that change drivers to a point the system can't run!

Now, here we are on a new HP Stream, with 32GB eMMC SSD, I don't know what is wrong with windows but it's not even smart enough to clean up after itself! I had to remove EVERY single BIT, of user data to get 8GB to update the OS, the batter went critical and in the 60 seconds between plugging it alerting, and plugging it in, the updater stopped, restarting was a fail, only 4.9gb left because the updater can't figure out it's already used 3.2 gb of space! so after removing everything but HP's networking software, and uninstalling everything possible, even forced windows apps the windows will not let you uninstall, but can be removed with ccleaner... I just barely got to 8gb free space again. half way through that it ran out of space again!?!?!?!?!?! wth? to save my daughter computer from being destroyed, it gave me the option to use part of the 128GB flash drive that is always there! WOW, at least one person on that project was smart!

WHY does windows 10 need 17gb+ of space for itself and it's hoarder trash? WHY does windows 10 need 38GB of space on my desktop for the OS????? WHY? this is STUPID!!!!

I hope Linux makes a user friendly os before you go full "Service" Ubuntu is close, but not there yet... soon Microsoft is going to kill itself! it just is, which is sad, I love windows! DOes the fact that A LOT of government computers still run Windows XP, offer a bit of a glimpse into how BAD Windows has gotten??? you can't see that??? they get the new OS's when they are forced to with hardware leases, but for the most part, Windows XP!

You know, Apple managed to get Unix to operate and feel like the old OS's that used to run on PowerPC systems. Is would be cool, super awesome, if Microsoft built a desktop for Linux that operates and feel like windows, DUDE! you are actually pushing the Linux community to do it for you! I'm a gamer, so I've always been on Windows, because most games require windows! SO MANY gamers are staying on old versions of Windows to keep gaming, or getting ready to abandon windows all together! and with the Vulkan api gaining ground, AND supported on Linux, when gamer developers hear enough players wanting an option to get off windows, windows usage will crash like the hindenburg!

Lets go back to that one smart person at Microsoft who gave us the option to use external storage for the update files! why is it that I tell windows to install all the new apps, photos, videos, ALL of it on that external drive, AND IT DOESN'T!!!!! Why?

You know, I resurrected an old computer, it's an old Athlon 64 X2 3800+ with 1gb of ram, I tried every version of Ubuntu 9.04 LTS to 16.04 LTS, I found that Ubuntu 14.04 LTS was the last OS that would somewhat work on that system acceptable for me, it told me there was an update, I told it never to remind me again! end of story... in the words of Apple, WHAT A REVOLUTIONARY CONCEPT! ok I don't like apple so, that's about all they get! and I use it because it's a very used concept and practice, but when they use something that has been used for 30 years, it's revolutionary! when they finally get around to adding touch screens to iMacs, it will be REVOLUTIONARY! while ignoring cheap all in one pc's have had touchscreens since, what 2008 or 2013 they became affordable? yeah... anyway!

Please fix this path Windows is heading down, an OS is a platform, it should be a Stable Platform to run other programs and services on!

Can you imagine, NK launches missiles, and the pc that responds ran Windows 10, and just when it was going to deploy countermeasures is craws to a halt and starts a windows update! I don't care if your a gamer, office worker, or the government, WHY would people keep wanting to deal with this insanity? Windows is self destructing from the ---> MICROSOFT <--- Level! i think y'all have forgotten what an OS is and what it should be!

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