RESOLVED! But NOT how you'd think!: Windows 10 Still freezing at 81 percent from Update/Upgrade after a year with no fix?? Please help!!!!



This is a reply/resolution to feedback that I had submitted a while back, that I had for over a year of trying to install the latest updates of Windows 10, and the issues i was having, My suggestion is that the Microsoft team really needs to look into this issue, and try to resolve it to prevent it from happening to anyone else. My issues were as follows;

Hey everyone!

So ever since the Microsoft Creator's update dropped last year, my computer was one of the many people/machines experiencing the "Freezing at 81% installing update and rolling back to previous installation," here it is roughly a year later, new updates have come out, i've finally been able to install "SOME" semblance of the creator's updates via windows 10 updates directly, (update 1607, Finally able to use 3D scanning!!!) but trying to install the update to 1709 is STILL freezing my machine at 81%! Even worse, is that Windows Update STILL keeps trying to ENFORCE these broken updates to be installed onto my machine and keeps having to roll back the installation every single time I encounter it!!!

I've contacted Microsoft technical support a few months back (Both via Live Chat & Phone) and they said that the reason was due to my hardware being older and incompatible? My build specs are as follows:

Motherboard: Intel DX58SO

Processor: Intel i7 920

16gb RAM

I could understand some off-brand hardware being incompatible from a different manufacturer, but Intel parts not being supported seems rather odd; regardless of how old they might be (nearly 10 years now), especially since otherwise Windows 10 runs just fine on this hardware (aside from this recurring "Hiccup" of this "particular" update not installing)

Back in the days of Windows XP running on an old laptop of mine, I had encountered an issue where some updates just refused to install (I believe it was some kind of Visual Studio runtime libraries?) and it kept hanging on those updates; in order to fix the issue i had to locate the problematic downloads on the machine then delete them manually; only then was i finally able to get them to re-download and install correctly; This Current issue feels like i've gone back in time, but there's no way to fix this issue...

I had considered trying to do a wipe/install of a fresh copy, but the problem is I have too many sensitive files/programs installed that I can't really risk blowing them away and try to piece everything back together when it's hard to get everything back; not to mention that these issues shouldn't be existent in the first place, let alone STILL be a recurring issue a year later!

Can somebody, PLEASE resolve this so that we can all be up to date with Windows 10 and not have any of these issues/vulnerabilities???


The Microsoft team responded with:

Jennifer Bri


Corrupted update can be related to the issue that you're having for a year. Since this has been an ongoing issue for quite some time and you have done several troubleshooting steps but the issue is still the same, we suggest that you perform a repair upgrade. This will install Windows 10 over the existing installation of Windows 10 on your hard disk, using your installation DVD or ISO file. Performing this can resolve your issue without affecting your personal files, settings and installed applications. Follow the detailed steps provided by one of our MVPs, Andre Da Costa from the link that we have provided.

Should the issue persists after you performed a repair upgrade, we recommend to submit a feedback in our Feedback Hub. From there, you'll be able to submit a new issue where Microsoft developers will cater it.

You can either vote on an existing submission or submit a new issue. When you submit a feedback item we gather additional details and information about your issue that will help determine what’s causing it and address it. Feedback items regularly receive Microsoft responses on the submissions in the Feedback app so you can see what we are doing about your feedback. Please revisit frequently to see the status of your feedback items.

For more information on Feedback Hub, see our support article and YouTube video.

In order to submit new feedback, please follow these steps:

  1. On a Windows 10 device, search for Feedback Hub in Cortana search, then launch the app.
  2. Navigate to Feedback in the left menu, then press + Add new feedback.
  3. Select the Problem, and share any details you think are relevant, and choose an appropriate category and subcategory.
  4. Important: If possible, reproduce the problem(s) after clicking Begin monitoring (or Start capture) near the end of the form; Stop monitoring when you’re done
  5. Once you’ve completed the form and monitoring, click Submit.
  6. Click Continue using Feedback Hub.
  7. Click My feedback at the top, then find the item you submitted (it may take a while to appear).
  8. Open the item you submitted, then click Share.
  9. Click Copy link, then paste the link here in your response (it will look like Storefronts Tools<unique link>).

Keep us posted on how it goes.

If you think this was useful, do not hesitate to "mark it as an answer" to help those who are facing the same problem.


This however, did not resolve any issues, and yet the Microsoft team closed the issue and marked it as "Resolved" when it was not.

I later found out through an online search months later, that the reason why the installation freezes at 81 percent is due to a "Halt" with the installation when it comes across the PCI-Express Wi-Fi card (if your computer has one). Removing the Wi-Fi card from the computer completely allows the update to fully complete the installation to my Dismay; as this should not have been a Common issue (with other people as well) trying to install Microsoft Windows Updates!

I hope this helps anyone who runs into this issue!

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