Windows Update - patch tuesday becomes generally patch gradually?



Once, the 2nd tuesday of the month was windows 'patch tuesday'.

But since windows 10 was released, MS made it clear that updates for that OS would be released gradually, from the 2nd tuesday onwards. The deployment of win10 used the update servers, and the moans and screams about the impact on every other update were deafening: for that year, a typical 30 minute update for win 7 took about 3 hours, sometimes more. So after the free period elapsed, gradual patching of win 10 seemed a reasonable approach to de-congesting the update servers, since every update I have seen seems to be a complete new release, not just 'patches'.

It seems that this gradualism approach is being applied to updates for windows 7 now. For the last few months, updates for 64bit windows 7 were available on patch tuesday, but the same updates for 32bit windows 7 were not released for at least 4 days after that (I made a specific check on that date, no updates available, but several days later, there's 300Mb of them waiting). Thus, patch tuesday is becoming de-facto patch gradually

So the question is: is this gradual update of all OS now a distinct policy by MS? Happening several times in a row does suggest that. As one popular TV drama has it, "there's no such thing as coincidence". And knowing this one can adjust the admin cycle on affected Pc's.

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