
701d10b8-bf4b-4484-b303-0a8ee5362a25?upload=true.jpgIt's Windows 7 Home Premium 64, have had it since, at least, 2012, not even once did I have this issue.

Although I have already had to change Motherboard, CPU and I now also have a DEAD DVD ODD (most likely due to power surges and failures on the Electrical Grid, that often disconnected or rebooted my system and not anything else), it is, INDEED the same computer, same everything else.

Due to that DVD ODD being connected and" kaput", I had some issues on my HDD.
Those issues included the system not loading BIOS, taking forever to enter the BIOS, not loading, etc.
The only way to fix this was opening the case, taking out the BIOS battery, also taking out the RAM card, leave them BOTH out for about 10 minutes, put them back, close the case, power up the system, then set the correct Time and Date Settings, as well as Graphs Card settings, then Save Settings, Exit and the system would load perfectly.

I must also mention that the HDD started making crackling sounds, resembling those of 3,5'' Floppy Disks, only louder and stronger.
Every time it did so, the System would halt and taks that would normally take about 30 minutes often took over 4 hours (like a "simple" Malware/Virus Scan).
Because the ODD didn't work, I took the next mandatory "BIOS routine" opportunity to disconnect that ODD.

I (along with the rest), just disconencted that busted ODD (SATA II) and installed another DVD ODD (IDE and, yes, the MB supoorts it).

On POST Power Up I saw some Hardware message that was too fast for me to pick up on, it went away and I immediately entered the BIOS.
HDD had changed from SATA II to IDE (go figure, I had NEVER seen such weird change) and I had nothing, nowhere, any way of changing back to SATA II, so I decided to give it a Test Boot, use it normally for a bit, reboot a few times, and see what would happen.

Well, the System worked fine (aside from the "new" DVD ODD not even ejecting the disc tray, as if it wasn't connected nor powered) and, for days, actually for more than a week I left it running, not shutting down or restarting after those inicial Test Restarts, during that period.

Then came another issue.
After having created a System Image (successful), I updated my antivirus, also updated something else I can't recall, restarted and it again worked fime.
Then I updated something via Windows Update (also can't now recall what exactly it was), needed to Restart and, to my surprise, this time, after the POST, all I got was a blinking cursor on the top left corner of a completely back screen.

Nothing and I mean NOTHING worked that could fix the boot-up, not even the "BIOS routine".

Since the "new" ODD wasn't even ejecting the tray, I took the opportunity to also disconnect it, completely, keeping ONLY the HDD connected.
Well, the HDD returned to its SATA II status on the BIOS, however: System Restore didn't work, Startup Repair didn't work, Last Good Known Configuration didn't work, HDD was reported fine, Startup was reported fine and I then quit all that loop of time waste and just went for the Restoration of that previously made System Image.

Well, FINALLY it worked and I had my system back to it's 100% Functional State.

Little did I know and hadn't the faintest clue what was about to come...
I went to Windows Update and I installed what I had to install, as I normally did and the Updates were installed correctly.

Upon reboot, Windows starts to load and then, to my surprise, NO SIGNAL through my Graphs Card to my Monitor (well, actually it's a TV, but it's working as a monitor, for the past 5 years) and everything halted, as if the system went into Hibernation.

Again, Windows Repair and after going though hours and hours of yet another loop of time waste, again I used the saved System Image.
Again, the system booted up and worked just fine.
Again went to Windows Update, again updated, now individually per update instead of grouping them up, rebooting for every individual update (thankfully there were only 5) and except for the last one, EVERY reboot was successful!

What was that last update that again caused me that NO SIGNAL through my Graphs Card to my Monitor/"Hibernation" situation?
None other than an Hewlett-Packard - Input - HP 5-Button Optical Comfort Mouse (http://winqual.microsoft.com/support/?driverid=20426988).
Again, System Image to be able to get my system working again, I went into Windows Update, HID that update, and, NOW, FINALLY, everything was back in order!

NOPE, not YET!

Now I got 2 issues:
1- Internet Explorer keeps promping me if I want to set it as the Default Browser and, no matter how many times I click Yes, no matter if on that prompt, if on Programs under Internet Options or even through Default Programs, that setting just does NOT stick, not even if I reboot immediately after setting it as Default.

As you can see from the attached Screencap, my copy of Windows Home Premium is Legitimate and has been for the entire time I bought this machine and started using it until this day!
Also, when I try to click that SOLVE button it just takes me to an offline page (https://www.microsoft.com/genuine/validate/?hrOffline=0x8004fe22)
And now, after that very brief description above, that's why I'm here!

So, please:
1- HOW can I SOLVE this Windows Validation ERROR?
2- How can I get rid of that IE Default Browser ANNOYANCE?

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