I am having issues trying to install august security update on Server 2012 R2 server. I try to run the update manually error returned the following updates are not installed. Next I checked CBS.log in C:\windows\logs\CBS folder. I found these two errors.
2018-08-27 17:35:01, Error CSI 00000012 (F) STATUS_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING #541351# from CCSDirectTransaction::OperateEnding at index 0 of 1 operations, disposition 2[gle=0xd015000c]
2018-08-27 17:35:01, Error CSI 00000013 (F) HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING) #541234# from Windows::ServicingAPI::CCSITransaction::ICSITransaction_PinDeployment(Flags = 0, a = basicrender.inf, Version = 6.3.9600.18626, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type = [l:24{12}]"driverUpdate", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral, cb = (null), s = (null), rid = [79]"Package_27_for_KB4048958~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~", rah = [1]"4", manpath = (null), catpath = (null), ed = 0, disp = 0)[gle=0x80073701]
From the logs my server is looking for basicrender.inf file its either missing or corrupted. Please anyone can help me fix this issue.
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2018-08-27 17:35:01, Error CSI 00000012 (F) STATUS_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING #541351# from CCSDirectTransaction::OperateEnding at index 0 of 1 operations, disposition 2[gle=0xd015000c]
2018-08-27 17:35:01, Error CSI 00000013 (F) HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING) #541234# from Windows::ServicingAPI::CCSITransaction::ICSITransaction_PinDeployment(Flags = 0, a = basicrender.inf, Version = 6.3.9600.18626, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type = [l:24{12}]"driverUpdate", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral, cb = (null), s = (null), rid = [79]"Package_27_for_KB4048958~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~", rah = [1]"4", manpath = (null), catpath = (null), ed = 0, disp = 0)[gle=0x80073701]
From the logs my server is looking for basicrender.inf file its either missing or corrupted. Please anyone can help me fix this issue.
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