Activation Not so helpful chat support


Apollo C

They closed my chat with the original tech without my permission.

Gave me a non Microsoft link.

Insisting on non factual and unsupported information.

Manager not acting like one.

12:15 AM Connecting...
12:15 AM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
12:15 AM Support session established with Fatima Bantelo.

12:16 AM Apollo: hi

12:17 AM Fatima Bantelo restarting application as Windows system service
12:19 AM Connecting...
12:19 AM Application running as Windows system service
12:19 AM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
12:19 AM Support session established with Fatima Bantelo.

12:21 AM Apollo: It is working?

12:21 AM You have granted Fatima Bantelo permission to control your desktop. To revoke, click the red X on the toolbar or press Pause/Break on the keyboard.
12:21 AM Remote Control started by Fatima Bantelo.
12:25 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez has joined the session.
12:26 AM Remote Control started by Brian Joseph Hernandez.

12:37 AM Fatima Bantelo: Hello
12:37 AM Apollo: Hi Who's brian?
12:37 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Hi this is Brian, Fatima's supervisor
12:37 AM Apollo: Okay.
12:37 AM Apollo: HI Brian.
12:38 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Hi there/
12:41 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Based on the error from the website, it says there that the product key you're using is a pre-installed license on a device. This means that your license type is OEM. We have two types of consumer license for Windows. It's an OEM type which is the one you currently have and RETAIL type. OEM license are pre-installed on a device manufactured by big computer companies. Retail licenses are bought separately. So by this, you need to contact your computer manufacturer to get the recovery media.
12:42 AM Apollo: I should have not been having this problem if my moms computer did not install that update and restarted the computer.
12:43 AM Apollo: We have stopped automatic update installation for our computers because we've heard of problems after installation, but today it just intalled by itself.
12:43 AM Apollo: We are in the Philippines and I do not think there is anyway we can contact Samsung and get help for this.
12:43 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Okay, may I ask the reason why you want to download Windows 7 installation image file?
12:44 AM Apollo: Again, if you can review my chat with Jerome
12:44 AM Apollo: My mom's computer is no longer starting up.
12:44 AM Apollo: So we need to have Windows installed.
12:44 AM Apollo: The computer does not have a vvalid restore point.
12:44 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Let me just check on that. Can you give me a few minutes please. Just to make sure we're on the same page.
12:44 AM Apollo: So we have to reinstall everything.
12:45 AM Apollo: Ok.
12:45 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Thank you so much
12:45 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: By the way, we're based from Philippines too.
12:46 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Okay, I am done checking it already.
12:46 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Thanks for waiting
12:46 AM Apollo: Yes.
12:46 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: As what I can see from here, your Mother's computer stopped booting up after installing some updates on your computer.
12:47 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Are you getting any error message/code when trying to boot that device?
12:47 AM Apollo: Yes exactly
12:47 AM Apollo: It's just loading as I have checked.
12:48 AM Apollo: It's just doing the circle thing with the dots.
12:48 AM Apollo: I've tried restoring it.
12:48 AM Apollo: But it's not working.
12:48 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Okay, let me just explain everything to you.
12:48 AM Apollo: I've tried to boot it and look for a factory reset but it's no where to be found.
12:49 AM Apollo: so I just need to have it installed again so that my mom can get back to work again.
12:49 AM Apollo: I can just reinstall other programs in her laptop back.
12:49 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Have you tried booting the device to recovery?
12:50 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: By pressing F8 simultaneously when booting up?
12:50 AM Apollo: Yes, that's what I did earlier.
12:50 AM Apollo: There is no valid restore point
12:50 AM Apollo: Well only one
12:50 AM Apollo: that needs a restoration disk.
12:50 AM Apollo: But we don't have that.
12:51 AM Apollo: The restore point is still dated 2015
12:51 AM Apollo: And that's 3 years ago we no longer have a disk for that.
12:51 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: That is correct, and you will need Recovery Disk for that not a Windows 7 installation media. There's a difference between the two.
12:51 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: But you can also use Installation media but that will remove everything from the PC
12:52 AM Apollo: Yes
12:52 AM Apollo: I undestand that.
12:52 AM Apollo: I have knowledge with computers
12:52 AM Apollo: I know the difference.
12:52 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: That is asking for recovery disc because Windows 7 is pre-installed on the device which was installed by the manufacturer of that computer
12:52 AM Apollo: My mom does not care if we need to reinstall.
12:52 AM Apollo: I just need to reinstall.
12:52 AM Apollo: Again, this is not our fault.
12:53 AM Apollo: It's windows update.
12:53 AM Apollo: That annoying update
12:53 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: And for the recovery media , you will need to contact the manufacturer of your device to get it because the license installed on it is an OEM type of license. The only license accepted from our website are Retail type of license because those type of licenses are bought separate not pre-installed on the devivce
12:53 AM Apollo: I don't need to contact the OEM
12:53 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Okay, with regards to Windows Update, I'll explain it to you why this happened to your computer
12:53 AM Apollo: It's not their fault that updates installed.
12:54 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: For you to understand what really happened on your Mom's computer
12:54 AM Apollo: I have a valid key, why can't you just let me have an installer.
12:55 AM Apollo: This is the Philippines, we all know that this comptuer will no longer have support form it's OEM.
12:55 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Not really, I am from Philippines too.
12:55 AM Apollo: So I have to suffer, my mom have to suffer from this because updates installed?
12:55 AM Apollo: How would you feel if you were at my shoe?
12:56 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Will you give me a chance to explain everything to you? For you to understand what is happening here
12:56 AM Apollo: This laptop was purchased in UAE by my dad.
12:56 AM Apollo: So we can't even go to a physical store.
12:56 AM Apollo: You are denying my right
12:56 AM Apollo: to use the software that's included on my mom's laptop.
12:57 AM Apollo: you even closed the other chat window, why?
12:57 AM Apollo: Where's fatima?
12:58 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: I totally understand what you're trying to say. Is there any chance that you can allow me to explain everything to you first so you will be able to understand everything?
12:58 AM Apollo: If what you are saying is a fix for my problem then yes
12:58 AM Apollo: but if you will just tell me contact Samsung then that's BS.
12:58 AM Apollo: I am sorry,
12:58 AM Apollo: but this is dissapointing.
12:58 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: I will explain to you everything for you to understand what is happening with your Mom's computer and why we are referring you to your computer manufacturer for the recovery media
12:59 AM Apollo: Brian,
12:59 AM Apollo: If I bring this laptop to Samsung
12:59 AM Apollo: I will have to spend thousands of pesos to get a windows 7 working.
12:59 AM Apollo: This laptop does not have any warranty.
1:00 AM Apollo: and they will just tell me to pay this and that.
1:00 AM Apollo: This is a 5 year old laptop.
1:00 AM Apollo: you are not trying to undestand me.
1:00 AM Apollo: I do not think it is unfair that I will have to pay something that was caused by an update.
1:06 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Windows Updates includes updates for Windows and updates for Driver software. This driver software is a separate software installed on your computer. This is used as a bridge for hardware and Operating system communication. What happened to your Mom's device is caused by a driver failure so there's a possiblity that the update installed on that computer is a driver update not a windows software update. Driver software are created by computer manufacturer for communication between OS and hardware components. With regards to installation media, our website only accepts Retail type of product keys. For Windows, we have two types of Product Keys. These are OEM type which is pre-installed on the and provided by the computer manufacturer because it has a certain features built to it. The other one is Retail type of licenses which can be bought separately(not pre-installed on the device) and will need to be installed manually by the user. Our website for Windows 7 download are not accepting OEM types because the type of installation media that will work for this specific license key is provided only by the manufacturer. If we will provide you a Retail type of installation media, you will encounter error activating your Windows because that media will go through validation if the license type matches the installation media type you're using
1:08 AM Apollo: Why can't you just takeownership of this problem.
1:08 AM Apollo: OEM or not
1:08 AM Apollo: I know the different types.
1:08 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: I understand what you want, but we dont have a way here to provide you OEM type of media.
1:08 AM Apollo: How sure are you that it was a driver problem?
1:08 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Still you will encounter error if we provide you Retail type of media becuase it doesnt matched your license type
1:08 AM Apollo: Have you even checke'd my mom's computer?
1:09 AM Apollo: What if it was a windows update?
1:09 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Becuase it doesn't boot normally anymore. Boot up process are activity taken by the driver software.
1:09 AM Apollo: From the windows services that caused it?
1:09 AM Apollo: It get's in to windows the Windows 7 screen when it is about to start
1:10 AM Apollo: So I am sure there is no promlem with the firmware of the computer.
1:10 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Once you were able to boot to Desktop, process will now be taken from the Windows side services which is called Dynamic Link Libraries.
1:10 AM Apollo: It is saying starting Windows with the dotted circle
1:10 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: And processed by the Root called Registry
1:11 AM Apollo: So it is stuck with Windows loading.
1:11 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: It doesn't go to the Desktop screen, meaning the process is still pending from one of the driver installed on your computer.
1:11 AM Apollo: You are just finding an excuse not to help me.
1:11 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Where Windows is still waiting to allow the next procss.
1:11 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: I am not giving you excuses, I am telling you what is really happening here.
1:11 AM Apollo: Blaming everything into the hardware
1:11 AM Apollo: There are alot of possibilities.
1:12 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: This is the only way for us to get this thing resolved.
1:12 AM Apollo: And I have to spend money?
1:12 AM Apollo: Just to get it fixed
1:12 AM Apollo: because of your stupid update?
1:12 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: In the first place, you have to keep the installation disc for you to save money in the future
1:12 AM Apollo: What if it was an update for the services?
1:13 AM Apollo: That is tasked to get windows to boot?
1:13 AM Apollo: Yes trying to blame me now.
1:13 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Again, update happened to you Mom's device is not a Windows Update. It's a driver update. Windows Update service allows driver updates as well so that you wont need to install those driver updates manually on your device
1:13 AM Apollo: Because we do not keep discs.
1:14 AM Apollo: How sure are you if it's a driver update?
1:14 AM Apollo: can you tell me for which hardware was the update for?
1:14 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: I am 100% sure, becuase the process before it goes to Desktop are still pending from one of the drivers.
1:14 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: I cannot tell that exactly because it's random.
1:14 AM Apollo: So which hardware would it be?
1:15 AM Apollo: excuses hahaha
1:15 AM Apollo: typical.
1:15 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: We will be able to know that if we can still access the computer becuase it is being submitted to our tool called "Windows Event Viewer"
1:16 AM Apollo: You are not certain what happened and you give false information.
1:16 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: I am not giving you false information, this is the only way.
1:16 AM Apollo: A mechanic will always have to check each parts of a car because they can even tell which one is problematic, that goes the same with a computer.
1:16 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: You can try to contact us back and get another technician, and I am sure that they will give you the same information.
1:17 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: That's why we're asking you now to contact your computer manufacturer
1:17 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: To check it as well
1:17 AM Apollo: So you will reimburse me the money I will spend with Samsung?
1:17 AM Apollo: This comptuer is out of warranty.
1:17 AM Apollo: Sucks to be using a Microsoft computer.
1:18 AM Apollo: with this kind of monopoly on making sales.
1:18 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Because there's nothing we can do from here. The boot issue you're experiencing now is caused by a driver failure and the license you need to reinstall your Windows can only be provided by the manufacturer
1:18 AM Apollo: Why can't you just give me a retail key instead and deactivate my OEm KEy
1:18 AM Apollo: I would not care
1:18 AM Apollo: My mom needs her laptop
1:19 AM Apollo: She is working
1:19 AM Apollo: She needs to contact her people from her email
1:19 AM Apollo: And you're telling to contact the OEM
1:19 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: As much as I love to do that, we have here a policy set to follow. If that's possible, I already did that from the beginning of this session. Because your time is important to us
1:19 AM Apollo: This is not fair.
1:20 AM Apollo: You are not helping yoru customers
1:20 AM Apollo: You are a supervisor
1:20 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: We already provided you the help you need.
1:20 AM Apollo: I know you have the descreation to bypass
1:20 AM Apollo: No you did not.
1:20 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: If I do have, I already did that in the beginning
1:20 AM Apollo: You did not help but just waste my time.
1:20 AM Apollo: No
1:21 AM Apollo: it took you a long time to tell me
1:21 AM Apollo: You should have even asked or checked my key from the start right?
1:21 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: I tried to ask you to explain it first in the beginning and we're keep on discussing other things.
1:22 AM Apollo: Because you just keep on making excuses.
1:22 AM Apollo: This is a windows update problem.
1:22 AM Apollo: May I talk to your manager please.
1:22 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Our software are being validated by our engineers and the error you're currently getting says it all.
1:22 AM Apollo: Manager please.
1:23 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Hold on please
1:24 AM Apollo: Okay
1:24 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Thank you so much
1:27 AM Apollo: I am waiting.
1:29 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Give me a minute please
1:29 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: I am trying to get one for you
1:29 AM Apollo: Okay.
1:29 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: To finish this process.
1:30 AM Brian Joseph Hernandez: Thank you so much for your cooperation
1:30 AM Apollo: NP
1:31 AM Edward has joined the session.
1:31 AM Remote Control started by Edward.

1:31 AM Edward: Hi!
1:31 AM Apollo: Hi Edward.
1:31 AM Apollo: I hope you can help me.
1:31 AM Edward: Hello.
1:31 AM Apollo: I guess Brian already told you the whole story.
1:32 AM Edward: Yes that is right.
1:33 AM Apollo: I just really need to get Windows 7 installed back to my mom's laptop.
1:33 AM Apollo: It was not her fault that windows update installed it's self
1:33 AM Apollo: She was in the middle of doing her work.
1:33 AM Apollo: And update installed,
1:34 AM Edward: I definitely understand where you are coming from in this situation and we apologize that we do not have any other link for Windows 7 ISO.
1:34 AM Edward: Windows 7 ISO download link from our site only accepts Windows 7 Retail product key.
1:34 AM Apollo: Can you not just give me a replacement, I know I need a retail key to download from your website.
1:34 AM Apollo: You can deactivate my OEM key
1:34 AM Apollo: You can have it if you want.
1:35 AM Apollo: I know you have the power to bend your rules, that's the role if manafers and supervisors.
1:35 AM Edward: I know where are your coming here. It's just that we don't have the link for Windows 7 ISO anymore.
1:35 AM Apollo: I do not even think you are a manager.
1:36 AM Apollo: You do not talk like one.
1:36 AM Apollo: It's too obvious.
1:36 AM Apollo: This is not how managers talk to their customers.
1:36 AM Edward: Apollo, I know that you really need Windows 7 ISO, however the only to get it is through your Manufacturer.
1:36 AM Apollo: Can you please forward me to a real manager.
1:37 AM Apollo: No I am not accepting that excuse.
1:37 AM Apollo: You always do that to your poor customers?
1:37 AM Edward: Apollo, here is my recommendation, we have customer's with the same issue, you can check it from our community.
1:37 AM Apollo: Do you not have any remorse?
1:37 AM Edward: Apollo, here is my recommendation, we have customer's with the same issue, you can check it from our community.
1:37 AM Apollo: like the community is gonna help.
1:37 AM Edward: Yes they can help.
1:38 AM Apollo: Of course I have went to the community before I got here.
1:38 AM Edward: Many people from community have other link for Windows 7.
1:38 AM Apollo: Then can you give me a link for that.
1:38 AM Edward: But here in Microsoft Support we don't have anyother link.
1:38 AM Apollo: Which community page or topic is that found.
1:38 AM Edward: Just type in "Windows 7 ISO" in the search box.
1:39 AM Apollo: Can you give me a specific link for that please.
1:39 AM Apollo: That's the least you can do.
1:39 AM Edward: From there you can check how our customer found other link for Windows 7.
1:39 AM Edward: Yes that is right, that's the least that we can do because we do not have what you are lookin for.
1:39 AM Apollo: There are a lot of post in the community, and some does not even have answers.
1:40 AM Apollo: So it would help if you can give me a specific post for the community.
1:40 AM Apollo: That you are reffering that has a link.
1:40 AM Apollo: Then maybe that would help.
1:40 AM Edward: Apollo, we are prohibitted to provide any link for Windows 7.
1:41 AM Apollo: I am asking for the community link
1:41 AM Apollo: The thread where that link is found.
1:41 AM Apollo: I guess that is not prohibited.
1:41 AM Edward: Here is our community link: Microsoft Community
1:41 AM Apollo: Why did you guys close that window with Fatima, just so that I cannot rate her?
1:41 AM Apollo: That is a generic link, I am not stupid.
1:42 AM Apollo: Do not let me search.
1:42 AM Apollo: You are not even a manager.
1:42 AM Edward: I understand. But again we are prohibited to provide any other link.
1:43 AM Edward: I hope you understand it.
1:43 AM Apollo: So you are not allowd to give a Microsoft community link?
1:43 AM Apollo: Just that stupid generic link?
1:43 AM Apollo: You are helping your customers get to the right direction here.
1:44 AM Apollo: *you are NOT helping.
1:45 AM Edward: Apollo, we are pohibitted to provide any other link for Windows 7 due to possible viruses that it may contain.
1:45 AM Edward: That is the reason why we are redirecting customer to OEM.
1:45 AM Apollo: You are not even giving me a Windows 7 link just the microsoft community link
1:45 AM Apollo: can you even just spare me the time and searching for it?
1:46 AM Edward: But if you will agree that what ever may happen to your PC if I provided you link for Windows 7. I will try to search one for you.
1:46 AM Apollo: We know that community website is un organized
1:46 AM Apollo: Yes, please that would be really helpful.
1:47 AM Edward: Do you agree that if your PC will be corrupted and get viruses from a link of Windows 7 ISO, Microsft has no responsibility?
1:47 AM Apollo: Yes
1:48 AM Edward: Do you agree if your PC will not be usable anymore like a junk because of a link of Windows 7 ISO, microsoft has no responsibility?
1:48 AM Apollo: Yes
1:49 AM Edward: Okay, Microsoft has no responsibiliyt if the link will ruin or destroy PC and you aggree to it right?
1:50 AM Edward: Do you aggree?
1:50 AM Apollo: Yes.
1:51 AM Edward: There you go.
1:51 AM Apollo: Okay.
1:52 AM Apollo: Don't numlock me I know what you did
1:52 AM Apollo: hahaha
1:52 AM Apollo: so that I will think it was a virus
1:52 AM Apollo: Okay.
1:52 AM Apollo: Thank you.
1:52 AM Apollo: I will manager from here wait for the download.
1:53 AM Apollo: *manage

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