Windows 10 automatically disables Video Card. What do I do?




I am using my longest-lived laptop (just under 5 years now!) and I'm starting to get some annoying errors. I think it's going to die on me soon. But I want to extend it's life as long as I can, so can someone please help me?

My specific issue:

About 4 or 5 months ago my laptop fell while running a video game. Understandably, the computer crashed (blue-screen error) I forget the specific error code or details. I wasn't paying too much attention because I was like "oh, well, that was not unexpected" you know?

Now, just over a month ago, I started getting blue screen crashes twice a day. I had been without internet access for at least 3 weeks and therefore, without any driver or OS updates. Anyway, after a few days of troubleshooting, I figured that my NVIDIA GTX 760M video card was malfunctioning. After about 5 blue screen events, Windows had automatically disabled this video card -- and in doing so, the blue-screen events stopped.

A week or two later I was able to get this laptop connected and updated. It took at least 4 attempts to successfully update due to another problem of mine (in short: my power supply has issues, so often if/when my battery is low which is about 90% of the time since my AC adapter doesn't charge my battery - except maybe about 10% every 24 hours or so - my laptop runs only on about 25% CPU power, which causes issues with starting, shutting down, installing updates since it takes forever on the reduced CPU power ... anyway, back to the current issue.) After looking at the details of the blue screen events, some things didn't add up though ... because the details of the crashes seemed to indicate issues with power supply, not with my video card. Well, as I briefly indicated, I know I have problems with my AC adapter ... but once the NVIDIA video card was updated and re-enabled, my laptop at least wasn't crashing every other time I tried to use it, so all was fine. Until 2 days ago - I again dropped the laptop while trying to pick it up to use it. It wasn't in active use when I dropped it, only sleep mode - and it was a less-than-2ft drop. When I got set up and tried to wake it up, another blue-screen event.

Unfortunately, I didn't look into the issue, only assuming it was another 1-time thing like it was 5 months ago when it crashed after it fell.

Well, it was (so far) only a 1 time event - I assume because now the NVIDIA video card doesn't even show up in my device manager. There's no indication that it is even installed on my laptop, except I can still dig into my program files and see the folders and .exe's for NVIDIA. I haven't touched them though, for fear of causing another problem and actively causing damage to my system.

I didn't notice the NVIDIA driver was missing until a few hours ago when I tried to play a video game, it was too choppy to play so I suspected it was due to my power supply problems reducing my CPU power ... but no, somehow it was actually running on full power (well, not 100% uninterrupted - every 10 seconds or so, the CPU speed would drop from it's normal 2.7 GHz to it's 25% state - but only for about a second.) Then I noticed in the task manager that my GPU graph was missing it's NVIDIA card (obviously, I have a default Intel graphics card - not nearly powerful enough for games) ... so that's when I noticed it was entirely missing from my device manager (instead of just disabled.)

So I tried to manually update the video card via the GeForce Experience program that comes with my NVIDIA product -- but the update is unsuccessful "this video card is unsupported by the OS" or something like that.

I tried getting support from NVIDIA, but they're not willing to dig deeper into my issue: After telling me to update ... lol, of course I know I need to first update Windows and/or my graphics cards! and restart - LOL! They told me I'd have to re-install WINDOWS to fix the issue --- yeah, obviously they aren't willing to look into the issue!

So, does anyone have any ideas? Help? Suggestions?

My laptop works *fine* right now I guess, I just can't really play any games (not really important in the big picture) due to the 2 reasons I've given above.

Oh, I'm using Windows 10 64 bit, 16 GB RAM, Intel i7-4800MQ CPU (2.70 GHz)

(I don't know why, but most of the time when my CPU is running full speed, the task manager will say it's running at anywhere from 3.3 to 3.8 GHz speed ... unless I'm playing a video game then it's usually stuck at around 2.7 GHz)

Anyway, thanks in advance for any help

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