Issues with the latest updates on Windows 10 Pro x64 build 1709




The latest security and reliability updates (september 2018 for Win10 x64 build 1709) will make VPN IKEv2 connections non functional, for example, I use the following powershell cmdlets to connect to a VPN server:

Add-VpnConnection -Name "VPN Connection Name" -ServerAddress <server URL> -TunnelType IKEv2 -AuthenticationMethod EAP -EncryptionLevel Maximum -Force -SplitTunneling -RememberCredential -AllUserConnection

Set-VpnConnectionIPsecConfiguration -ConnectionName "VPN Connection Name" -AuthenticationTransformConstants SHA256 -CipherTransformConstants AES256 -EncryptionMethod AES256 -IntegrityCheckMethod SHA256 -PfsGroup ECP384 -DHGroup ECP384 -PassThru -Force

This has been working without fail for the last year or so, until the latest updates.

Using System Restore to go back a day before the installation of these updates, everything works as it should. As soon as the updates are installed again, the connection is no longer working.

As a troubleshooting measure I installed a fresh Windows 10 PRO x64 build 1709 without updates, the connection works, but after the updates it no longer works.

The complete error is CoId={8E1CA05B-0A46-4777-9006-1C0DF7D69BD8}: The user ***\*** dialed a connection named "VPN Connection Name" which has failed. The error code returned on failure is 809.

I also did another test, prior to installing the latest updates it gives the same 809 error if I don't set the VPN IPSec Configuration.

It is as if setting the VPN IPSec Configuration is not being applied after installing the latest updates.

Only build 1709 is affected, 1803 doesn't have these issues, and neither Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.

Until the problem is resolved I have paused the updates until next month or until there is a workaround.

Thank you.

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