PC stucks on Desktop in normal mode, and in safe mode it's impossible to run any program (task manager, antivirus, antimalware, nothing)



I have an asus PC with Windows 10. Only 1 user account on it, with NO administrator privileges. PC hardware is working fine (I guess), I say this because I can perfectly use this PC with a different operating system if booted from pendrive. So the issue lies in Windows.

Boot process, up to user login page, is perfectly OK.


After login, it take a very long time to display Desktop and related icons (like 10-15 minutes). Then, when everything seems to be loaded, even if mouse is moving correctly, it's impossible to do anything: at first action (try to open a folder, try to open Task Manager with CTRL+ALT+CANC, or whatever), PC stucks, meaning that from now on the mouse loading icon will be displayed forever (the only possible recovery is a manual hard shutdown by pressing the power button for 5 seconds). An interest behavior to be reported is that Desktop seems to reboot automatically from time to time: the bar at the bottom of the screen (I mean the one containint Cortana Search bar, the quick launch icons, and so on) remain displayed, but the rest of Desktop (all icons, files and folders) disappears for a while and then appears again, slowly. This happens automatically.

Attempts to fix:

1) I tried to fix it using the repair tools that are available by pressing F8 button during boot. It didn't work.

I tried them all, one by one (when I say all, I mean literally ALL) but no one worked. For different reasons, each of them failed, with proper Windows error messages stating that each procedure couldn't be completed (in these cases warning messages are generic, they don't provide any useful info).

2) Then I tried with Safe Mode. It didn't work.

In this mode Windows seems to load correctly, it takes around 5 minutes but in the end Desktop seems to be loaded and working. I can browse folders, plug and use a USB pendrive, use Start button, use command line, enable Windows Installer service, reach Control Panel. Unfortunately, as soon as I try to launch any program (antimalware, web browser, Task Manager) PC stucks again as it does in normal mode: loading icon displayed forever. From now on, the only possible recovery is again a manual hard shutdown. Wait lot of time doesn't have any effect, PC is perfectly stuck.

3) Last idea was to install again Windows: unfortunately, Windows was pre-installed on PC when I bought it, so I don't have any installation CD/DVD. And, my huge falut, I didn't create any recovery/repair DVD. So, It didn't work.

Do you have any idea?
Thanks a lot in advance.

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