Windows 10: Regsvr32 running on High CPU due to a unknown file




I am using Windows 10 and I'm worried about my computer that had been running with a 40~100% CPU because of regsvr32 aka Microsoft(C) Register Server (32-bit) for the past week. I have done some research about using Process Explorer to locate why my regsvr32 was running on such a high CPU but I still don't know how to remove or fix this particular file which regsvr32 is using. I have McAfee Anti-Virus and my Microsoft Defender is up-to-date. I'm not tech savy, so please excuse me if I use the wrong term while I am explaining the situation below.

( As you can see here, I opened my Task Manager and my "Microsoft(C) Register Server" is shown to have taken almost half of my pc's CPU. The rest of my other programs are running little to no CPU%.)


( In the screenshot below when I locate my regsvr32.exe in Process Explorer, it shows that it was running some sort of file with random numbers and letters in the Command Line.)


( I checked the Threads of the regsvr32.exe with Process Explorer, and something in that file is cycling non-stop.)


( Upon further inspection by looking into the file property of {214E3069--174}, it shows little to no info about what it is and it was built on August 25, 2018. Coincidentally, the same time when my PC started to heat up due to high CPU usage.)


( I went to locate this file on my C: Drive folder, and I read somewhere on an article that I was able to delete this file without worrying, however, because it was in use by regsvr32 I can't delete it at all with right-click delete.)


If anyone can enlighten me through experience or profession in this field please explain to me what is this file or what it does. I've searched this file on the browser and nobody had that sort of issue associated with that file name. Is it safe to remove this file without any issues to prevent regsvr32 from looping with this file whenever I start up my computer? If it's fine to remove this file, how do you delete this folder/file using Process Explorer? Will that affect my computer in anyway or mess up my regsvr32 command line? I just want my CPU % to go down.

Thank you and I hope these screenshots will help you to understand what I'm dealing with.

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