Re: Can´t change Windows functions: error 0x800f081f


PA Bear

Forwarded to Vista General via crosspost.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin

Heiko Schulz wrote:
> Hi,
> since some time I´m not able to change (add or remove) Windows features
> (i.e. MSMQ or IIS).
> German Vista Ultimate with Office 2007 (both activated) and Visual Studio
> 2005 SP1 , all patches available through Windows Update installed.
> Strange: Every time when I start Windows Update the Windows Update Agent
> 7.0.6000.381 is sucessfully installed again (???).
> When I try to change Windows feature I´ll always get this error:
> [Window Title]
> Windows Features
> [Content]
> An error has occurred. Not all of the features were successfully changed.
> [OK]
> The event log is full of messages complaining that "Windows Servicing
> failed
> to complete the process of setting package XYZ into Default(Default)
> state".
> I´ll get a least hundred messages for different packages.
> Earlier there are about the same number of messages complaing that
> "Windows
> Servicing failed to complete the process of changing update Adm from
> package
> XYZ into Resolving(Resolving) state".
> A little bit earlier there are informational messages like "Windows
> Servicing is setting package
> WindowsUpdateClient-SelfUpdate-Core-AdmComp-Package(Update) state to
> Resolving(Resolving)".
> Any idea waht to do?
> Here´re some details:
> [Window Title]
> Windows Features
> [Content]
> An error has occurred. Not all of the features were successfully changed.
> [OK]
> Log Name: System
> Source: Microsoft-Windows-Servicing
> Date: 03.10.2007 15:51:22
> Event ID: 4375
> Task Category: None
> Level: Error
> Keywords: Classic
> User: heiko3vista\heiko
> Computer: heiko3vista
> Description:
> Windows Servicing failed to complete the process of setting package
> KB941236
> Windows DreamScene Content (Update) into Default(Default) state
> Event Xml:
> <Event xmlns="">
> <System>
> <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Servicing"
> Guid="{bd12f3b8-fc40-4a61-a307-b7a013a069c1}"
> EventSourceName="Microsoft-Windows-Servicing" />
> <EventID Qualifiers="49152">4375</EventID>
> <Version>0</Version>
> <Level>2</Level>
> <Task>0</Task>
> <Opcode>0</Opcode>
> <Keywords>0x80000000000000</Keywords>
> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2007-10-03T13:51:22.000Z" />
> <EventRecordID>31235</EventRecordID>
> <Correlation />
> <Execution ProcessID="0" ThreadID="0" />
> <Channel>System</Channel>
> <Computer>heiko3vista</Computer>
> <Security UserID="S-1-5-21-3873174284-417661615-3020053743-1000" />
> </System>
> <UserData>
> <CbsPackageChangeState
> xmlns="">
> <PackageIdentifier>KB941236 Windows DreamScene
> Content</PackageIdentifier>
> <ReleaseType>Update</ReleaseType>
> <PackageState>Default</PackageState>
> <PackageAssembly>Microsoft-Windows-DreamScene-Content-Pack-KB941236~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.0.6000.16463</PackageAssembly>
> <Operation>Installed</Operation>
> <OperationCompleted>True</OperationCompleted>
> <ErrorCode>0x800f081f</ErrorCode>
> <RebootOption>False</RebootOption>
> <MissingElements>
> </MissingElements>
> </CbsPackageChangeState>
> </UserData>
> </Event>
> [same for really a lot of other packages]
> Log Name: System
> Source: Microsoft-Windows-Servicing
> Date: 03.10.2007 15:49:50
> Event ID: 4385
> Task Category: None
> Level: Error
> Keywords: Classic
> User: heiko3vista\heiko
> Computer: heiko3vista
> Description:
> Windows Servicing failed to complete the process of changing update Adm
> from
> package WindowsUpdateClient-SelfUpdate-Core-AdmComp-Package(Update) into
> Resolving(Resolving) state
> Event Xml:
> <Event xmlns="">
> <System>
> <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Servicing"
> Guid="{bd12f3b8-fc40-4a61-a307-b7a013a069c1}"
> EventSourceName="Microsoft-Windows-Servicing" />
> <EventID Qualifiers="49152">4385</EventID>
> <Version>0</Version>
> <Level>2</Level>
> <Task>0</Task>
> <Opcode>0</Opcode>
> <Keywords>0x80000000000000</Keywords>
> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2007-10-03T13:49:50.000Z" />
> <EventRecordID>30847</EventRecordID>
> <Correlation />
> <Execution ProcessID="0" ThreadID="0" />
> <Channel>System</Channel>
> <Computer>heiko3vista</Computer>
> <Security UserID="S-1-5-21-3873174284-417661615-3020053743-1000" />
> </System>
> <UserData>
> <CbsUpdateChangeState
> xmlns="">
> <UpdateName>Adm</UpdateName>
> <PackageIdentifier>WindowsUpdateClient-SelfUpdate-Core-AdmComp-Package</PackageIdentifier>
> <ReleaseType>Update</ReleaseType>
> <UpdateState>Resolving</UpdateState>
> <PackageAssembly>WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-AdmComp~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.0.6000.374</PackageAssembly>
> <UpdateDisplayName>
> </UpdateDisplayName>
> <Operation>Resolved</Operation>
> <OperationCompleted>False</OperationCompleted>
> <ErrorCode>0x800f081f</ErrorCode>
> <RebootOption>False</RebootOption>
> </CbsUpdateChangeState>
> </UserData>
> </Event>
> Log Name: System
> Source: Microsoft-Windows-Servicing
> Date: 03.10.2007 15:49:50
> Event ID: 4372
> Task Category: None
> Level: Information
> Keywords: Classic
> User: heiko3vista\heiko
> Computer: heiko3vista
> Description:
> Windows Servicing is setting package
> WindowsUpdateClient-SelfUpdate-Core-AdmComp-Package(Update) state to
> Resolving(Resolving)
> Event Xml:
> <Event xmlns="">
> <System>
> <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Servicing"
> Guid="{bd12f3b8-fc40-4a61-a307-b7a013a069c1}"
> EventSourceName="Microsoft-Windows-Servicing" />
> <EventID Qualifiers="16384">4372</EventID>
> <Version>0</Version>
> <Level>4</Level>
> <Task>0</Task>
> <Opcode>0</Opcode>
> <Keywords>0x80000000000000</Keywords>
> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2007-10-03T13:49:50.000Z" />
> <EventRecordID>30712</EventRecordID>
> <Correlation />
> <Execution ProcessID="0" ThreadID="0" />
> <Channel>System</Channel>
> <Computer>heiko3vista</Computer>
> <Security UserID="S-1-5-21-3873174284-417661615-3020053743-1000" />
> </System>
> <UserData>
> <CbsPackageChangeState
> xmlns="">
> <PackageIdentifier>WindowsUpdateClient-SelfUpdate-Core-AdmComp-Package</PackageIdentifier>
> <ReleaseType>Update</ReleaseType>
> <PackageState>Resolving</PackageState>
> <PackageAssembly>WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-AdmComp~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.0.6000.374</PackageAssembly>
> <Operation>Resolved</Operation>
> <OperationCompleted>False</OperationCompleted>
> <ErrorCode>0x0</ErrorCode>
> <RebootOption>False</RebootOption>
> <MissingElements>
> </MissingElements>
> </CbsPackageChangeState>
> </UserData>
> </Event>
> [same for really a lot of other packages]
> Bye
> Heiko

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