wincnu32.dll missing



I get a message that wincnu32.dll is missing at start-up. I can't find
anything re this file on Google. Does anyone know what program the file
is used in.


98 Guy

Larry wrote:

> I get a message that wincnu32.dll is missing at start-up. I can't
> find anything re this file on Google. Does anyone know what
> program the file is used in.

I've searched my own machine and don't see it. It might only be found
on NT-based machines, but I agree that google only shows 10 hits
(which is way to few for a legit file).

Run msconfig and look at your run entries (in the startup tab) and see
if it's there. Delete it if it's there.

Search your computer for the file. If you have it, submit it to
VirusTotal (

If you're running an anti-virus program, look in it's quarantine and
see if it's there. If it is, restore it, disable your AV program,
rename it, then submit it to Virus Total. Take note of how it is
identified by the various AV programs.

That's the only way you will learn what it is - and what other dammage
or tampering might have been done. Then delete the file and re-enable
your AV program.

It most likely is some sort of malware, as indicated here:

"This file is PECompact compressed..."
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