Laptop Touchpad Automatically Disables and Causes Shift Key Pasting


Greg Gaus

Earlier this week, my computer started having a problem which is, by all means, bizarre. For seemingly no reason at all, my touchpad automatically stops working, rendering me unable to use it. This problem can be easily fixed with a USB mouse, I'm aware of that, but that's not the end of it. For reasons even more mysterious than the self-disabling touchpad, whenever the touchpad freezes, pressing the Shift key when writing something causes me to paste whatever I last copied. The Insert key isn't jammed or anything, so the reason for this "Shift key pasting" is unknown, and why it only does that whenever my touchpad freezes is anybody's guess.

I discovered two temporary fixes for this problem. Whenever I press either the Shift key on my laptop's built-in keyboard or the Caps Lock key on my USB keyboard (which I've been using after some of my laptop keyboard buttons stopped working), the touchpad unfreezes. Sometimes after unfreezing I can use the touchpad for hours before it disables again, and other times it only works for a few seconds, and sadly, the latter case appears to be increasing in frequency now. I have a couple of solutions in mind already, including disabling the laptop keyboard whenever I'm online, replacing the old keyboard with a new one, and outright buying a new computer that isn't likely to have this problem.

My question is, are any of these three solutions likely to give me a more permanent fix to this problem than just pressing the Caps Lock key whenever it comes up? Is there another, better solution I'm just not seeing? If anyone has any answers to these two questions, I'd love to hear them.

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