Getting speakers to work



My old speakers on my Win98 Dell stopped working. I just installed a pair
of used speakers (also from Dell) in their place, but there's no sound.

So I deleted the driver for the Yamaha Legacy Sound system and restarted the
computer but that didn't do it.

There's also a U.S. Robotics Serial Wave Device. Is that the one I should

What else do I need to do or check for?


Don Phillipson

"Larry" <> wrote in message

> My old speakers on my Win98 Dell stopped working. I just installed a pair
> of used speakers (also from Dell) in their place, but there's no sound.
> . . .
> There's also a U.S. Robotics Serial Wave Device. Is that the one I should
> remove?

First check that the old speakers are in working
order, e.g. swap them into someone else's PC to test.
Secondly, verify from the Dell setup document which
socket to use to connect the speakers.

Then post back here saying what audio card you
have (or sound on board) and what audio software.
Most such software has a component to test speakers.
(Don't know about Dell in partiicular.)

Don Phillipson
Carlsbad Springs
(Ottawa, Canada)


"Larry" <> wrote in message
> My old speakers on my Win98 Dell stopped working. I just installed a pair
> of used speakers (also from Dell) in their place, but there's no sound.

Is the computer volume on, and not muted for Playback?
Double-click the speaker icon in the tray by the clock to bring up the volume
controls and make sure none are muted for playback except microphone if shown. You
can click Properties> Playback to select what controls are visible.

Are both sets self-powered computer speakers, and are they powered on with the
volume control on the speakers turned up?
Are the speakers plugged into the right jack on the back of the computer?
Are there audio connectors on the front of the computer also? If so, have you tried
What color is the plastic on the jack into which you have plugged the speakers?
Does either set of speakers work on another computer, or through the headphone jack
of a boom-box stereo set?

> So I deleted the driver for the Yamaha Legacy Sound system and restarted the
> computer but that didn't do it.

Did the driver reinstall upon restarting? In Device Manager, what is showing under
Sond, Video and Game Controllers, and are there any problems reported?

> There's also a U.S. Robotics Serial Wave Device. Is that the one I should
> remove?

No, that's for use by a voice modem.

> What else do I need to do or check for?

See above, for starters.
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+


"Larry" <> wrote in message
| My old speakers on my Win98 Dell stopped working. I just installed a pair
| of used speakers (also from Dell) in their place, but there's no sound.
| So I deleted the driver for the Yamaha Legacy Sound system and restarted
| computer but that didn't do it.
| There's also a U.S. Robotics Serial Wave Device. Is that the one I should
| remove?
| What else do I need to do or check for?
| Thanks,
| Larry

FIRST, do the hardware checks suggested by others. You can also check the
speakers by plugging into some other device like a tape player, personal
radio, or other which has a stereo jack output of the same size [though
there may be a slight difference and you may hear only mono].

As you have a modem which installs a wave device: Most modems which install
sound/voice drivers in addition to the normal modem drivers MAY cause
conflict with other sound devices unless installed FIRST.
As you removed and replaced the sound card, the addressing and IRQs have
likely changed from the original configuration [for both cards], which may
have left residual entries in the registry and/or ini files [and/or other].
Though supposedly already installed, the devices settings OR drivers MAY be
in conflict.

IF the hardware checks out, then uninstall both drivers [completely] making
sure to remove ALL entries in the registry AND checking the autoexec.bat,
win.ini, system.ini files as well. Check for device residuals using Safe
Mode for ghosted/unremoved entries under both sound device and modem. Also,
you will likely have a *multi-function device* entry for the modem [if not
for the sound card as well]. Remove that entry IF it is related to either
the sound or modem. Prior to uninstalling the cards, check for back up
directories in their individual application folders [if applicable]. Look
carefully at any files which may have come from the Windows or System
folders, during installation. Back these up just in case.

Restart in normal mode, and install the Modem FIRST using the PROPER
installation routine and software. DO NOT INSTALL THE SOUND CARD during this
boot. Shut down completely to allow proper registry settings to be applied
for the modem. DO NOT INSTALL the sound card if it attempts to install a
driver upon boot up.
Check in Device Manager to see if the modem device is configured properly,
and test the modem for connect ability and proper functioning. Save the
present registry using MSInfo, shut down again after checking and saving.

This next boot, install the Sound Card, however, make sure you use the
proper installation routine, which may require you click Do Not Install
during the boot process so you can run the installation prog for the card.
{You should have looked at both installation manuals, PDFs, or other
information for the devices PRIOR to attempting the installations.}

Proceed through the same checking routine as indicated for the Modem,
ensuring there are no conflicts and each device functions properly. IF
everything checks out, then once again use MSInfo to save a copy [backup] of
the Registry.

IF there were issues with the modem or sound card, prior to or after the
installations of the software respectively:
NOTE an older version of serwave.vxd and/or SERWVDRV.DRV MAY have been
installed [the base is 4.10.2222 for SE].
Check for backed up versions on your main disk in %windir%\SYSBCKUP or
and/or %windir%\Options\CABS\ . IF there are none located there, and there
is/are {an} older version(s) installed causing errors [which is the likely
culprit], you can obtain the default version(s) in WIN98_69.CAB on your OS
installation CD.
Backup or change the extension for the OLD version and install the default
to see if that will correct any errors.

Please post back with the results.


I'm so ashamed.

When I put the new plug in, I just put it where the previous one had been
(or so I thought). But in fact there were two jacks there, not one, and I
had stuck it into the wrong one.

It's working now.

Thanks all.



Been there, done that, gotten the egg on my face.
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+

"Larry" <> wrote in message
> I'm so ashamed.
> When I put the new plug in, I just put it where the previous one had been
> (or so I thought). But in fact there were two jacks there, not one, and I
> had stuck it into the wrong one.
> It's working now.
> Thanks all.
> Larry
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