My laptop is not working. Can anyone please help me figure out what could be wrong with it?


Tori D.

Hello everyone

My name is Tori

I have an ASUS Notebook X45A

I have had it for about a year and a half now

A while ago, my old mentor had me wipe everything off of the hard drive so I could do a fresh install of Windows 8 since it's a Windows 8 device.

I have not used it since I wiped the hard drive so it was sitting in a box downstairs. I an wondering if an issue we had over the summer with our house could have an affect on computers. We had our deck rebuilt about a year ago and the person that built it did not built it right. There was nothing preventing water from getting into the house, So, we had lots of rain this summer and we ended up with a mold issue. To fix that, my parents put a moisturizer downstairs. Could a moisture from a moisturizer cause the issues I am about to explain? Or even somehow the mold?

Before I go into detail, I will say that I am still in the learning process of working with computers and laptops so I don't have all the knowledge there is to know. I was able to troubleshoot to the best of my knowledge and ability.

Here is what's going on with my laptop and that things I did to troubleshoot and fix it.

Last night, I found my laptop so I brought it upstairs so I could get it up and running since a friend of mine is in need a computer and I promised her this laptop.

I went to put the Windows 8 image (or whatever it's called) on my flash drive but it wouldn't work on my gaming PC or my work laptop but I figured that out. When I formatted the USB flash drive, I set it to FAT32 which if I am not mistaken, that only allows you to store up to 4GB of files on it. So I changed it to NTFS.

Once I got that all over and done with and got the files I needed on it, I plugged the laptop in and tried to turn it on. To my surprise, it would not turn on or charge. So, I unplugged it, took the battery out, held the power button down for 20 seconds, and put the battery back in and plugged it in. I tried to turn it on and it worked. Of course, it went right to BIOS because there was no hard drive in it.

So, I turned it off and installed the hard drive. Once it was in, I put the cover back on and then pressed the power button. I got not response. The lights did not turn on, the fans didn't turn on, and the hard drive did not turn on. I didn't hear any noises coming from the laptop.

I repeated what I previously did to try to get it to turn on and it worked. However, when it turned on, I could hear the hard drive getting stuck. Luckily, I have a bunch of hard drives on hand from my old internship so I put another 80GB hard drive in it. I went to turn it on again but I got no response.

I repeated the process once again (and I shall note, each time I did this, it took longer for it to respond to me pressing the power button), and the laptop turned on. The hard drive was not clicking

The next step was to plug my USB flash drive in.

I plugged it in and exited BIOS. When that closed, I immediately began to press "ESC" repeatedly. I got the little menu but my flash drive was not showing up. Then, it turned off and it wouldn't turn back one. Once again, I did what I mentioned before but this time I held the power button down for 60 seconds. I got no response. The laptop was not charging, no lights lit up, and I couldn't hear any noises (and I listened very closely).

I decided to check to see if the ram was loose. I took it out and put it back in but that didn't make any difference.

Then I got the idea to take a look at the motherboard. My aunt moved in with her dog and the dog peed all over the area where I kept my bins with all of my equipment (that includes a box of laptops and I found this ASUS in that box). I thought maybe some dog pee got in there and ruined a component such as the motherboard.

So, I carefully and slowly made my way to the motherboard. Before I could remove the metal plate and plastic casing, I had to unplug two small ribbon cables. I used a prying tool from my iFixIt kit but the black little nub came off both of the connectors. I most likely made a huge mistake by making them come off because I know they're supposed to stay on there. They just wouldn't loosen up so I had to apply a little more force so maybe I applied too much force.

I got the two small ribbon cables disconnected. I did not take the motherboard out because I do not trust myself with that quite yet. I took a good careful look but I didn't see anything that caught my eye from my knowledge.

I put it back together and left it to charge over night to see if that would fixed the issue, I thought maybe the battery was completely depleted.

Today when I got home from school, I took a look at it. The light with the light bulb icon above it was green so I opened it and tried to turn it on. I got no response once again.

I took the keyboard out and check those ribbon cables and it looked like they were in tact. I gently fiddled around with the one on the top left hand corner on the motherboard and suddenly the laptop turned on. I tried to turn it off since it wouldn't boot from the flash drive but it wouldn't turn off. I had to remove the battery and put it back it, I tried to turn it on again after putting the battery back in but it wouldn't turn on. So, I again took the keyboard out (but this time I left the keyboard plugged in) and fiddled around with that ribbon cable. It turned on again!

I am thinking it's either an issue with the battery, charging port, or charging cord or maybe even the motherboard is going dead.

I did some research on how to tell if a motherboard is going bad and the symptoms match with whats going on with my laptop.

After reading about what is going on with my laptop, do you guys have any idea what what is causing it to misbehave in this way?

Also, is there anything I can to to fix it?

I was thinking about buying a new motherboard but I figured I'd come here first for some help and advice just in case if there is no fix so I don't waste my money on something that's not worth it.

All advice and help is highly appreciated so I would like to say thank you to anyone who has taken the time to read this and help me solve the problem!

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