Programs wont open or take forever to open system wont shut off or restart properly.


It Is Nick

I've noticed the issue occur a bit ago where I had the same kind of problems and I couldnt find a solution to that either but a buddy told me to system restore but it didnt work so I did a system restore in safe mode which worked then but now trying that again it tells me I have no restore points so I cant system restore. My issue is upon startup everything runs fine my auto startup programs did what they normally do the system loads but trying to open another program like discord or steam or battlenet or even Mozilla/chrome it will light up indicating I clicked it but after a few seconds it fades back to its original unopened state. After sitting for a long time these programs seem to open but never load. For example opening Mozilla it will open but show a white screen the whole time and not load and battlenet will start up after a long wait and I'll open a game and the game will launch but never load just wait on the first black screen loading. My internet connection is fine it seems. Around this same time of these issues I have been getting a "please confirm whether to support this VGA card!" Error message. If this has something to do with it all I can click is ok and cant find it online how to fix it. I cant open command prompt in normal windows so i opened it in safe mode and ran "sfc /scannow" and it came back with no problems. Another issue I seem to have when I go to shut down or restart it takes a super long time or on shutdown it will just sit on the same screen but never actually shut down. Please help not sure what the issue could be I've tried numerous solutions such as:

•Sfc /scannow

•Safe mode system restore

•Someone told me to use msi afterburner instead of oc guru but it doesnt seem I can

•safe mode with network trying to update drivers.

•uninstalling and reinstalling drivers

•rolling back drivers

•deleting space on my hard drive to make room

•probably more I just cant think of right now.

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