Help: I Can Only Load Pages For Several Minutes



My old Compaq pc with WindowsME only allows me to surf the internet
for several minutes. It will then completely stop loading pages and in
order to temporarily fix the problem I have to reboot.

At first I thought it was Verizon(which had gone down a couple of days
ago), but has hoping someone can give me advice on what to check and
do next if it is my system itself.

Sometimes I can't even save an image because the system "thinks" there
is not enough room on my drive even though it is a 4g that has 6-700mb

Any advice would be appreciated.


Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.

Joan Archer

Re: I Can Only Load Pages For Several Minutes

What maintenance do you do and what do you use to clean out rubbish.
Have you checked System Restore to see how much room that is taking up.
Give us a few more details about your machine, like how much memory it has
what anti virus software do you have how often do you run them, details
like that will help, someone should then be able to help you.

Searcher7 wrote:
> My old Compaq pc with WindowsME only allows me to surf the internet
> for several minutes. It will then completely stop loading pages and in
> order to temporarily fix the problem I have to reboot.
> At first I thought it was Verizon(which had gone down a couple of days
> ago), but has hoping someone can give me advice on what to check and
> do next if it is my system itself.
> Sometimes I can't even save an image because the system "thinks" there
> is not enough room on my drive even though it is a 4g that has 6-700mb
> free.
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Darren Harris
> Staten Island, New York.


Re: I Can Only Load Pages For Several Minutes

It's just a computer for internet use. It's a Compaq 350mhz, with only
224mb of ram.

I'm waiting for my Flash drive to arrive so I can take what I need off
of this system and trash it before it goes completely .(My Zip drives
stopped working with this system a long time ago).

I have no idea how to find out how much space system restore is using.
(Is there a page detailing how to determine this?).

I have problems saving images or text to my hard drive. When I try I
get messages that either my disc is full or I am low on memory. I
can't stay signed in at a variety of sites, and the display of pages
is sometimes screwed up.(Once in a while I run the "Disk Clean Up",
but if it works, the fix is only temporary).

I had difficulty posting this before re-booting because I have to keep
trying signing in at Google Groups, and I was getting the message,
"Your browser's cookie functionality is turned off. Please turn it
on."(You have no idea long it took just to post this response).

Key apps I have are as follows:
Zone Alarm(Always running)
Lavasoft Ad-Aware
AVG Free Edition(Always running)

Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.
Joan Archer wrote:
> What maintenance do you do and what do you use to clean out rubbish.
> Have you checked System Restore to see how much room that is taking up.
> Give us a few more details about your machine, like how much memory it has
> what anti virus software do you have how often do you run them, details
> like that will help, someone should then be able to help you.
> Joan
> Searcher7 wrote:
> > My old Compaq pc with WindowsME only allows me to surf the internet
> > for several minutes. It will then completely stop loading pages and in
> > order to temporarily fix the problem I have to reboot.
> >
> > At first I thought it was Verizon(which had gone down a couple of days
> > ago), but has hoping someone can give me advice on what to check and
> > do next if it is my system itself.
> >
> > Sometimes I can't even save an image because the system "thinks" there
> > is not enough room on my drive even though it is a 4g that has 6-700mb
> > free.
> >
> > Any advice would be appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Darren Harris
> > Staten Island, New York.

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