Windows 10 Dec update to 1809 not there anymore - What's going on?



Hi all!

An average user here.

In the mid December my PC's were updated automatically to ver. 1809 AGAIN - after unfortunate release in October. I'm starting to loose my confidence in Microsoft.

This version has of course many improvements, but also (this is my suspicion) introduces more new problems. I reached the point when I'm afraid of seeing new 'downloads and updates' every couple days in MS Store.

This time I ran into following issues:

On my old/fairly stable profiles OneDrive wouldn't save setting to 'Autosave screenshots' - functionality didn't work. Reinstalls, cleanups, removing registry, roaming, prefetch data - I couldn't find solution to this problem. The only thing: It works fine on a different user profile on the same PC. I got an advice on this forum to move my apps to the new profile... ??? It takes too much time to configure my environment. I have 40-50 applications, some have unique registrations, so every time when reinstalling I have to go to the vendor and ask to reset it. I would loose all tweaks, custom columns etc.

More problems:
After this and probably earlier updates I started to see new file attributes 'L' or 'l'
L = Reparse Points
I = Not content indexed

Great - but there is a problem. Image files with this attribute didn't want to display thumbnails. At least I think so... After Copy-Paste this attribute disappeared and thumbnails started to display properly. It all took couple hours of my time to research and try more than 10 fixes I found on the Web dealing with thumbnails not displaying.

Another problem: New for me, and caused some confusion. Deleting shortcut to the folder DELETES CONTENTS of the folder.... Am I missing something here???

After all of this I decided to do factory reinstall. This is fairly new PC, so I figured I will 'keep it very clean'. SURPRISE! - Version 1809 does not install/update anymore. So - am I a victim of another blunder?

OK. For 2 days I'm running now 1803. After two days of configuring my apps:

1. Photos won't launch - resetting and reinstalling doesn't help.

2. Skype won't launch - resetting and reinstalling doesn't help.

3. OneDrive screenshot feature works. YAY!

I really wish there were more 'standards' and the whole process was more 'tight'. The version problems in apps,ans Windows as a 'service manager' more and more reminds me the issue of inconsistencies and old problems with DLL's OCX's etc.

I really wish I could spend more time doing things I enjoy more. Repetitive 'fixing' of the things which should have BASIC and SIMPLE way of resetting/reinstalling/clearing - it is not too much to ask. I have many more hobbies, and Internet hunts for solutions to the problems in the products I'm paying for are not one of them.

I really considered using OneDrive as my cloud-backup storage place, but now I know, that I can not trust it. I think this may be the consequence of changes made to the NTFS system last May

If files copied with basic copy-paste routine DIFFER - there is something wrong with this picture. I found some posts about backup problems - they were 'out of my league' - but I'm not surprised. I just wish there was more effort put into assuring basic functions, and maybe postponing 'cosmetic' issues - whether 'File explorer' can have a dark theme...

Regards. Jack.

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