Task Scheduler tasks do not execute on schedule after disable and reboot with update KB4462917



I am having an issue with Microsoft Task Scheduler on Windows Server 2016 where if I disable a task and reboot the server, then the task does not execute on schedule once the server comes back up and the task is re-enabled. This issue only started occurring after installing KB4462917 and the issue disappears after uninstalling KB4462917.

More details:

I have a set of about ~20 tasks that run on ~10 minute intervals. They are setup like:

  • Run only when user is logged on
  • Run with highest privileges
  • Run one time at 12:10 AM on 1/1/18 – After triggered, repeat every 10 minutes indefinitely
  • Each task starts a particular exe program
  • Stop if the computer ceases to be idle
  • Start the task only if the computer is on AC power
  • Allow the task to be run on demand
  • Stop the task if it runs longer than 3 days
  • If the running task does not end when requested, force it to stop
  • If the task is already running, do not start a new instance

This setup was working fine until I installed KB4462917 (which was a Security Update for Microsoft Windows that was actually supposed to fix several issues with Task Scheduler). After I installed this update on 5 servers running Windows Server 2016, I experience the following:

  • Whenever I ***disable my tasks and reboot the server***, then when the server comes back up:
    • I re-enable all the tasks
    • The Next Run Time column shows that each of the tasks is scheduled to run within the next 10 minutes. However, that time comes and goes and the task never executes. The Last Run Time column remains at the last time the task was executed before I rebooted the server. The Next Run Time column continues to increment even though the task never executes.
    • The only way to get the tasks to start executing on schedule is to:
      • Right click each taskàPropertiesàClick OK without making any changes
      • Then the tasks will execute normally on schedule

Note that I ONLY experience these issues after installing KB4462917 on Windows Server 2016 systems. Note that I don’t have any Task Scheduler issues on Windows Server 2012 R2 systems. The issue also only happens if I disable the task and reboot. If I leave the task enabled and reboot, it is okay.

I have tried the following but none of this worked:

  • Toggling the “Run only when user is logged on”/”Run whether user is logged on or not” options
  • Setting the task to trigger Daily every 10 minutes for the duration of 1 day
  • Setting the task to trigger one time every 10 minutes for the duration of X days
  • I have ensured that the “Enabled” box is checked on the Trigger settings tab
  • I have tried “Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed”
  • I have tried manually executing each task upon server reboot

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