Unstable boot of W10 after upgrade from 1803 to 1809


David Tomason


I'm diagnosing a real puzzler here. System is Windows 10 64 bit, 128 GB RAM, Intel 7980XE on Asus platform.

System runs without incident on 1803. Only errors in Event Viewer on boot are a few DCOM errors that I've backtracked as harmless. System restarts and shuts down fine.

If I let it install Feature Upgrade to 1809, or clean install 1809 from USB, I get very strange behavior. The behavior that occurs most often is that after entering passcode on the login screen, the system begins flashing a black screen with the words "Hi" or "This may take several minutes", alternating between the two of them. If I let it run, it just looped like this for over an hour with no changes.

What is strange is that it doesn't do the above at every boot. About 30% of the time, I can log in successfully with no problems whatsoever. When I go to the Event Viewer to see what happened around the problem time, I get a long list of errors as follows:

"User Profile Service Failed Logon, Remote Procedure Call Failed". (usually about 7-8 of these in a row)

"LoadUserProfile call failed with the following error:The RPC server is unavailable."
"Application Popup: svchost.exe Instruction at ###### referenced memory at #######. The memory could not be written."

Because the errors varied across boots, and it sometimes booted fine, I figured it may be a bad memory stick. But the W10 standard memory test on the 128 GB produced no errors across 5 runs.

Again, it does this behavior no matter what is installed or running, because it happens even if W10 1809 is installed cleanly from USB.

Has anyone seen similar behavior, or have any ideas?

Thank you for your time!


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