Windows 7 - Extend the Extended Support to January 20th 2030 and release an official Service Pack 2


Cesare Vesdani

I am not happy that the Extended Support for Windows 7 will end next year on January 20th 2020. The Windows 7 Support Team urgently must extend the Extended Support of Windows 7 to January 20th 2030.

The Windows 7 Extended Support is too short. As of now, it’s been only 10 years in total and that not enough. I first had Windows 7 in October 2009 when it first came out and this release date feels like yesterday to me. Please mark this case as URGENT because Windows 7 Support MUST be further extended to 2030. That is an extra 10 years of Extended Support that Windows 7 urgently needs.

There are so many people around the world using Windows 7 and users use Windows 7 mostly for Work so, the Microsoft customers would be very upset and angry if Microsoft brutally end the Extended Support for Windows 7 on January 20th 2020. There is still a lot of improvements to make to Windows 7 for the next 10 years to make it faster, more stable and further improved with updated built-in software and security in Security Centre.

Windows 7 – Service Pack 2:

The first and last time that Windows 7 had Service Pack was in 2013. Ever since, there has not been any new Service Packs released. That is really bad for Windows 7 – Service Pack 1 users who wants to do a fresh install of Windows 7 on a new hard disk. Those poor users would have to spend many hours and even days installing hundreds of updates beyond the Service Pack 1 date. To solve this problem, Microsoft must urgently release a Service Pack 2 for Windows 7 this year in 2019.

The Windows 7 Service Pack 2 must be shipped with all updates and updated built-in software like Internet Explorer 12, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Security Essentials and Windows Media Player 13. Service Pack 2 must also include a revamped, more secure Security Centre that fully protects Windows 7 users against today’s threats, all the way to 2030. The Security Centre in Windows 7 must have a built-in protection against Ransomware and other newly discovered threats that Windows 7 users are a victim of.

Service Pack 2 for Windows 7 must include a better and improved Windows Media Player 13 so that users can steams audio and video files by supporting many more file types to give better experience for Windows 7 users using Windows Media Player 13.

All of these security features and updates must be included in the Service Pack 2 for Windows 7. Here, I am talking about an official Service Pack 2 being released for Windows 7 by Microsoft this year in 2019.

I also want to discuss that Windows 7 must have improved ClearType, visuals such as increased color depth and increased resolution that must be also included in Service Pack 2. The Windows 7 Aero Themes Transparency must be improved so that users are able to set full transparency to Windows to make Windows and the Start Menu fully transparent when users chooses to enable full transparency in Windows 7.

The ClearType of Windows 7 must be sharpened so that characters appear clearer and smoother so that users with impaired vision or other sight problems can properly read small text. For example, make small text clearer and sharper for viewing in documents and or general text in Windows 7.

I see a lot of people who are complaining that they are not happy that Microsoft wants to end the Extended Support of Windows 7 so soon. Users still beg and ask for more Extended Support for Windows 7. Today, users are expecting on getting a better experience with Windows 7. That is the reason why Microsoft must carry on supporting Windows 7 for another 10 years, so that users can enjoy using the latest security updates and some Windows 10 applications on Windows 7, such as the Edge web browser and Windows Media Player 13 for more sophisticated security and experience of the operating system.

Everything that I have discussed above must be included in the upcoming Service Pack 2 for Windows 7. Microsoft has no right to brutally force their Windows 7 users who are Windows 7 customers and fans to give up on using the operating system by ending the Extended Support in 2020. Please Microsoft, can you kindly do a favour to your Windows 7 customers and further extend the Extended Support for Windows 7 to January 20th 2030.

Thank you.

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