STATUS_FILE_LOCK_CONFLICT errors on SMB2 with Windows 10 Professional 64-bit



I have been trying to debug a performance issue with a legacy application at a small retail shop I support. The shop has 5 systems running Windows 10 Professional, a "server" that is 64-bit, 2 stations both 64-bit and 2 other stations both 32 bit. The shop runs a legacy application that makes heavy use of files on the server via an SMB2 share configured as an N: drive on each station. Each station starts the application on the server via a unique .BAT file located on the shared N: drive.

On the Win 10 Pro 64-bit stations, at the order entry screen, there are noticeable delays of up to 10 seconds per field, which bogs down the order entry process. On the Win 10 Pro 32-bit stations, no such delays occur. I've taken Wireshark traces from each station and the main difference I'm seeing is a lot of STATUS_FILE_LOCK_CONFLICT SMB2 errors on the stations with the delays...none on the normal working stations.

All stations access the share with the same Admin credentials.

What has me flummoxed is why this problem is only happening on 2 of the systems? All systems are on the same Windows 10 Pro update. The 2 64-bit stations are on much newer hardware compared with the 32 bit stations with 8th generation Intel I3 processors and 8 gig of memory compared to older dual core Pentiums with 2 gig of memory..I don't think it can be a hardware issue. All networking interfaces are talking at 1Gig via hardwire ethernet. All plug into a Netgear router.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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