Unable to Sign Up for a Microsoft Developer Account (Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later.)



Hi there

We have been trying to sing up for a Company Microsoft Developer Account for around a month now and we can only get so far before we hit the error message "Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later.".

I have tried multiple computers, browsers (IE, Edge, Chrome), multiple Internet Connection, multiple different email accounts as well but we still experience this problem.

I have tried calling MS Techincal Support but they just ask me scripted questions like clearing my cache, cookies etc which I have already tried. I am able to do the following

  • Click "Sign up to Microsoft Developer Account
  • Login with Microsoft Account
  • Choose my Location (New Zealand)
  • Choose type of account (Company)
  • Put in my contact Details
  • Put in Company Approver Details
  • Click next and then I get the error message (Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later.)

Could someone please assist me with this? The standard MS Technical Support are unable to help me. The error details are as below:

CorrelationID: d8021028-b786-4a6c-995a-9748d3ccfe05

Correlation Vector: VEakifwk7kS+ZlWh.0

App Server:

Date: 22 Jan 2019 16:29:58 -08:00

A screenshot of the error image is as below:


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