Windows Update gets stuck at 14% and the PC automatically restarts



So the situation is that I disabled Windows Update a long time ago but now I wanted to make an update because I'm on Windows 10 Professional, Version 1803, OS Build 17134.556 and I would like to get the October update to use the explorer in dark mode. The first problem what happend is my Windows Update section sais You're up to date but that is false so I downloaded the Windows 10 Update Assistant and it downloaded the update and restarted my computer but while it updates itself it gets stuck at 14% and after a few seconds it restarts the computer and revert everything back to normal. So I used some techniques before to disable Windows Updates like disabling it in the services.msc and changing the setting of the group policies but I tried my best of reverting everything to normal, still something is wrong so that's why i'm here.

Here is my specs:

Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z

Intel Core i7 3770K @ 4.2GHz

Corsair Vengeance 4x4GB (16GB) RAM

Gigabyte GTX 970 - 4GB

Kingston HyperX Fury 120GB SSD (for Windows)

Seagate Barracuda 2TB HDD

And here is the update log what I managed to make from the Windows Power Shell:

2019/01/30 01:30:14.2414457 3148 10752 Agent Earliest future timer found:

2019/01/30 01:30:14.2414542 3148 10752 Agent Timer: 29A863E7-8609-4D1E-B7CD-5668F857F1DB, Expires 2019-01-30 22:45:21, not idle-only, not network-only
2019/01/30 01:30:15.2433840 3148 3520 Misc CSusClientGlobal::DoServicePreShutdown
2019/01/30 01:30:15.2435220 3148 3520 IdleTimer Idle timer disabled in preparation for service shutdown
2019/01/30 01:30:15.2435340 3148 3520 Misc WUTaskManager uninit
2019/01/30 01:30:15.2435384 3148 3520 Agent Earliest future timer found:
2019/01/30 01:30:15.2435525 3148 3520 Agent Timer: 29A863E7-8609-4D1E-B7CD-5668F857F1DB, Expires 2019-01-30 22:45:21, not idle-only, not network-only
2019/01/30 01:30:15.2482131 3148 3520 Misc CreateSessionStateChangeTrigger, TYPE:2, Enable:No
2019/01/30 01:30:15.2482479 3148 3520 Misc CreateSessionStateChangeTrigger, TYPE:4, Enable:No
2019/01/30 01:30:15.2528441 3148 3520 Misc Agent uninit
2019/01/30 01:30:15.2557072 3148 3520 Misc Reporter uninit
2019/01/30 01:30:15.2558541 3148 3520 Misc network cost manager uninit
2019/01/30 01:30:15.2558760 3148 3520 Misc Eventer uninit
2019/01/30 01:30:16.2568854 3148 3520 Misc ServiceManager uninit
2019/01/30 01:30:16.2569281 3148 3520 Misc PersistentTimeoutScheduler uninit
2019/01/30 01:30:16.2569296 3148 3520 Misc datastore uninit
2019/01/30 01:30:16.2708502 3148 3520 Misc setting cache uninit
2019/01/30 01:30:16.2708514 3148 3520 Misc security checker uninit
2019/01/30 01:30:16.2708540 3148 3520 Misc Test Hook uninit
2019/01/30 01:30:16.2708549 3148 3520 Misc IdleTimer uninit
2019/01/30 01:30:16.2712072 3148 3520 Shared * END * Service exit Exit code = 0x240001
2019/01/30 01:40:40.7589308 3148 9344 Shared * START * Service startup
2019/01/30 01:40:40.7791438 3148 9344 IdleTimer Non-AoAc machine. Aoac operations will be ignored.
2019/01/30 01:40:40.7796631 3148 9344 Agent WU client version 10.0.17134.471
2019/01/30 01:40:40.7798977 3148 9344 Agent SleepStudyTracker: Machine is non-AOAC. Sleep study tracker disabled.
2019/01/30 01:40:40.7800071 3148 9344 Agent Base directory: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution
2019/01/30 01:40:40.7805364 3148 9344 Agent Datastore directory: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\DataStore.edb
2019/01/30 01:40:40.7824126 3148 9344 DataStore JetEnableMultiInstance succeeded - applicable param count: 5, applied param count: 5
2019/01/30 01:40:40.8427989 3148 9344 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 2.
2019/01/30 01:40:40.8429396 3148 9344 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 2.
2019/01/30 01:40:40.8438677 3148 9344 Shared Network state: Connected
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9885729 3148 9344 Misc *FAILED* [8024000C] LoadHistoryEventFromRegistry completed
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9886747 3148 9344 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 2.
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9886817 3148 9344 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 2.
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9886876 3148 9344 Shared Power status changed
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9897347 3148 9344 Agent Initializing global settings cache
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9897358 3148 9344 Agent WSUS server: (null)
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9897367 3148 9344 Agent WSUS status server: (null)
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9897391 3148 9344 Agent Alternate Download Server: (null)
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9897399 3148 9344 Agent Fill Empty Content Urls: No
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9897411 3148 9344 Agent Target group: (Unassigned Computers)
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9897420 3148 9344 Agent Windows Update access disabled: No
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9897429 3148 9344 Agent Do not connect to Windows Update Internet locations: No
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9903298 3148 9344 Agent Timer: 29A863E7-8609-4D1E-B7CD-5668F857F1DB, Expires 2019-01-30 22:45:21, not idle-only, not network-only
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9929839 3148 9344 Agent Initializing Windows Update Agent
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9934000 3148 9344 Agent CPersistentTimeoutScheduler | GetTimer, returned hr = 0x00000000
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9975445 3148 6308 DownloadManager Received power state change notification: Old: <unknown>; New: AC.
2019/01/30 01:40:40.9975462 3148 6308 DownloadManager Power state changed from <unknown> to AC.
2019/01/30 01:41:33.6810197 15240 3540 ComApi * START * Federated Search ClientId = <<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe (cV: YzOc268Q702NHGw6.1.0)
2019/01/30 01:41:33.6828735 3148 5448 IdleTimer WU operation (SR.<<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe ID 1) started; operation # 3; does use network; is not at background priority
2019/01/30 01:41:33.6830265 3148 912 Agent *FAILED* [80240007] Method failed [CAgentServiceManager::GetTargetedServiceMapping:3010]
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7212206 3148 912 IdleTimer WU operation (SR.<<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe ID 1, operation # 3) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7225811 15240 12820 ComApi Federated Search: Starting search against 2 service(s) (cV = YzOc268Q702NHGw6.1.0)
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7226794 15240 12820 ComApi * START * Search ClientId = <<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe, ServiceId = 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77, Flags: 0X10000 (cV = YzOc268Q702NHGw6.1.0.0)
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7235746 3148 5448 IdleTimer WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 2) started; operation # 6; does not use network; is not at background priority
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7423054 3148 5448 Reporter OS Product Type = 0x00000030
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7497676 3148 5448 Agent * START * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = <<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe Id = 2]
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7497741 3148 5448 Agent Service 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 is not in sequential scan list
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7497782 3148 5448 Agent Added service 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 to sequential scan list
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7499499 15240 12820 ComApi * START * Search ClientId = <<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe, ServiceId = 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552, Flags: 0X10000 (cV = YzOc268Q702NHGw6.1.1.0)
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7499578 3148 19436 Agent Service 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 is in sequential scan list
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7502580 3148 19424 Agent * END * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = <<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe Id = 2]
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7504923 3148 19424 Agent * START * Finding updates CallerId = <<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe Id = 2 (cV = YzOc268Q702NHGw6.
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7504944 3148 19424 Agent Online = No; Interactive = Yes; AllowCachedResults = No; Ignore download priority = No
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7504976 3148 19424 Agent Criteria = IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software' and IsHidden=0 and IsAssigned=1 and CategoryIDs contains 'e6cf1350-c01b-414d-a61f-263d14d133b4'""
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7505002 3148 19424 Agent ServiceID = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} Windows Update
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7505011 3148 19424 Agent Search Scope = {Machine}
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7505034 3148 19424 Agent Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-18
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7506105 3148 5448 IdleTimer WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 3) started; operation # 9; does not use network; is not at background priority
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7701227 3148 5448 Agent * START * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = <<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe Id = 3]
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7701292 3148 5448 Agent Service 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 is not in sequential scan list
2019/01/30 01:41:33.7701327 3148 5448 Agent Added service 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 to sequential scan list
2019/01/30 01:41:33.8452419 3148 19424 Agent Found 0 updates and 1 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 6 out of 7 deployed entities
2019/01/30 01:41:33.8463235 3148 19424 Agent * END * Finding updates CallerId = <<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe, Id = 2, Exit code = 0x00000000 (cV = YzOc268Q702NHGw6.
2019/01/30 01:41:33.8483039 3148 19424 IdleTimer WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 2, operation # 6) stopped; does not use network; is not at background priority
2019/01/30 01:41:33.8484850 3148 19436 Agent Service 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 is in sequential scan list
2019/01/30 01:41:33.8487176 15240 6820 ComApi *RESUMED* Search ClientId = <<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe, ServiceId = 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 (cV = YzOc268Q702NHGw6.1.0.0)
2019/01/30 01:41:33.8488138 3148 19716 Agent * END * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = <<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe Id = 3]
2019/01/30 01:41:33.8490739 3148 19716 Agent * START * Finding updates CallerId = <<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe Id = 3 (cV = YzOc268Q702NHGw6.
2019/01/30 01:41:33.8490763 3148 19716 Agent Online = No; Interactive = Yes; AllowCachedResults = No; Ignore download priority = No
2019/01/30 01:41:33.8490780 3148 19716 Agent Criteria = IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software' and IsHidden=0 and IsAssigned=1 and CategoryIDs contains 'e6cf1350-c01b-414d-a61f-263d14d133b4'""
2019/01/30 01:41:33.8490806 3148 19716 Agent ServiceID = {8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552} Third party service
2019/01/30 01:41:33.8490815 3148 19716 Agent Search Scope = {Machine}
2019/01/30 01:41:33.8490836 3148 19716 Agent Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-18
2019/01/30 01:41:33.8504341 15240 6820 ComApi * END * Search ClientId = <<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe, Updates found = 0, ServiceId = 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 (cV = YzOc268Q702NHGw6.1.0.0)
2019/01/30 01:41:33.9191857 3148 19716 Agent Found 0 updates and 0 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 0 out of 0 deployed entities
2019/01/30 01:41:33.9197194 3148 19716 Agent * END * Finding updates CallerId = <<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe, Id = 3, Exit code = 0x00000000 (cV = YzOc268Q702NHGw6.
2019/01/30 01:41:33.9212097 3148 19716 IdleTimer WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 3, operation # 9) stopped; does not use network; is not at background priority
2019/01/30 01:41:33.9216556 15240 6820 ComApi *RESUMED* Search ClientId = <<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe, ServiceId = 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 (cV = YzOc268Q702NHGw6.1.1.0)
2019/01/30 01:41:33.9218873 15240 6820 ComApi * END * Search ClientId = <<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe, Updates found = 0, ServiceId = 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 (cV = YzOc268Q702NHGw6.1.1.0)
2019/01/30 01:41:33.9219956 15240 12820 ComApi * END * All federated searches have completed. Jobs = 2, Succeeded = 2, ClientId = <<PROCESS>>: taskhostw.exe (cV = YzOc268Q702NHGw6.1.2)
2019/01/30 01:44:42.1623321 3148 5448 DataStore Service 55FCF0D5-8453-45B4-9DB5-075896F6D397 added
2019/01/30 01:44:42.1623798 3148 5448 Agent AddTargetedServiceMapping: 55FCF0D5-****987 13320 13760 ComApi * START * SLS Discovery
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2263424 3148 5448 IdleTimer WU operation (CDiscoveryCall::Init ID 4) started; operation # 25; does use network; is not at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2264059 13320 13760 ComApi *QUEUED* SLS Discovery
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2359059 3148 19220 IdleTimer WU operation (CDiscoveryCall::Init ID 4, operation # 25) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2367956 13320 13812 ComApi *RESUMED* Discovery
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2368199 13320 13812 Api * END * Discovery ClientId
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2396935 13320 13760 ComApi * START * SLS Discovery
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2404074 3148 5448 IdleTimer WU operation (CDiscoveryCall::Init ID 5) started; operation # 30; does use network; is not at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2404732 13320 13760 ComApi *QUEUED* SLS Discovery
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2548561 3148 19220 IdleTimer WU operation (CDiscoveryCall::Init ID 5, operation # 30) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2550044 13320 14088 ComApi *RESUMED* Discovery
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2550284 13320 14088 Api * END * Discovery ClientId
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2569544 13320 13760 ComApi * START * Federated Search ClientId = Dynamic Update (cV: 8wwu4zax+UitXUQi.1.0)
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2577007 3148 5448 IdleTimer WU operation (SR.Dynamic Update ID 6) started; operation # 35; does use network; is not at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2577297 3148 912 Agent GetTargetedServiceMapping: 55FCF0D5-****77321 3148 912 Agent Processing auto/pending service registrations and recovery.
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2935108 3148 912 IdleTimer WU operation (SR.Dynamic Update ID 6, operation # 35) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2937471 13320 19360 ComApi Federated Search: Starting search against 2 service(s) (cV = 8wwu4zax+UitXUQi.1.0)
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2938156 13320 19360 ComApi * START * Search ClientId = Dynamic Update, ServiceId = 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77, Flags: 0X10010 (cV = 8wwu4zax+UitXUQi.1.0.0)
2019/01/30 01:44:42.2947466 3148 5448 IdleTimer WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 7) started; operation # 38; does use network; is not at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3468333 3148 5448 Agent * START * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = Dynamic Update Id = 7]
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3468374 3148 5448 Agent Removing service 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 from sequential scan list
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3468409 3148 5448 Agent Service 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 is not in sequential scan list
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3468447 3148 5448 Agent Added service 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 to sequential scan list
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3472897 3148 19436 Agent Service 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 is in sequential scan list
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3474047 13320 19360 ComApi * START * Search ClientId = Dynamic Update, ServiceId = 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552, Flags: 0X10010 (cV = 8wwu4zax+UitXUQi.1.1.0)
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3476261 3148 20324 Agent * END * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = Dynamic Update Id = 7]
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3478608 3148 20324 Agent * START * Finding updates CallerId = Dynamic Update Id = 7 (cV = 8wwu4zax+UitXUQi.
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3478628 3148 20324 Agent Online = Yes; Interactive = Yes; AllowCachedResults = No; Ignore download priority = No
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3478649 3148 20324 Agent Criteria = CallerProfile='DU' AND ( CategoryIDs contains 'ebfc1fc5-71a4-4f7b-9aca-3b9a503104a0' AND Type='Driver' ) AND VersionOverride='10.0.17763.'""
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3478675 3148 20324 Agent ServiceID = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} Windows Update
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3478693 3148 20324 Agent Search Scope = {Machine}
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3478722 3148 20324 Agent Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-21-183961266-1068112530-3867023425-1001
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3483385 3148 5448 IdleTimer WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 8) started; operation # 41; does use network; is not at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3680699 3148 5448 Agent * START * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = Dynamic Update Id = 8]
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3680740 3148 5448 Agent Removing service 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 from sequential scan list
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3680778 3148 5448 Agent Service 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 is not in sequential scan list
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3680813 3148 5448 Agent Added service 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 to sequential scan list
2019/01/30 01:44:42.3949469 3148 20324 Misc Got 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 redir Client/Server URL:""
2019/01/30 01:44:42.4236879 3148 20324 ProtocolTalker ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2019/01/30 01:44:42.4236897 3148 20324 ProtocolTalker OK to reuse existing configuration
2019/01/30 01:44:42.4236932 3148 20324 ProtocolTalker Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2019/01/30 01:44:42.4243573 3148 20324 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::StartCategoryScan_WithRecovery) started; operation # 42; does use network; is at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:42.4247777 3148 20324 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call.
2019/01/30 01:44:42.9417161 3148 20324 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::StartCategoryScan_WithRecovery, operation # 42) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:42.9665536 3148 20324 ProtocolTalker ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2019/01/30 01:44:42.9669931 3148 20324 ProtocolTalker OK to reuse existing configuration
2019/01/30 01:44:42.9669960 3148 20324 ProtocolTalker Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2019/01/30 01:44:44.3332549 3148 20324 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 43; does use network; is at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:45.2024010 3148 20324 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 43) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:45.2539295 3148 20324 ProtocolTalker Skipping driver sync because it's not supported.
2019/01/30 01:44:45.2539316 3148 20324 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates round trips: 1
2019/01/30 01:44:45.3314185 3148 20324 Agent Found 0 updates and 1 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 992 out of 1060 deployed entities
2019/01/30 01:44:45.3331098 3148 20324 Agent * END * Finding updates CallerId = Dynamic Update, Id = 7, Exit code = 0x00000000 (cV = 8wwu4zax+UitXUQi.
2019/01/30 01:44:45.3355741 3148 20324 IdleTimer WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 7, operation # 38) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:45.3360700 3148 19436 Agent Service 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 is in sequential scan list
2019/01/30 01:44:45.3363222 13320 14088 ComApi *RESUMED* Search ClientId = Dynamic Update, ServiceId = 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 (cV = 8wwu4zax+UitXUQi.1.0.0)
2019/01/30 01:44:45.3364076 3148 7556 Agent * END * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = Dynamic Update Id = 8]
2019/01/30 01:44:45.3366396 3148 7556 Agent * START * Finding updates CallerId = Dynamic Update Id = 8 (cV = 8wwu4zax+UitXUQi.
2019/01/30 01:44:45.3366417 3148 7556 Agent Online = Yes; Interactive = Yes; AllowCachedResults = No; Ignore download priority = No
2019/01/30 01:44:45.3366437 3148 7556 Agent Criteria = CallerProfile='DU' AND ( CategoryIDs contains 'ebfc1fc5-71a4-4f7b-9aca-3b9a503104a0' AND Type='Driver' ) AND VersionOverride='10.0.17763.'""
2019/01/30 01:44:45.3366464 3148 7556 Agent ServiceID = {8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552} Third party service
2019/01/30 01:44:45.3366472 3148 7556 Agent Search Scope = {Machine}
2019/01/30 01:44:45.3366499 3148 7556 Agent Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-21-183961266-1068112530-3867023425-1001
2019/01/30 01:44:45.3380366 13320 14088 ComApi * END * Search ClientId = Dynamic Update, Updates found = 0, ServiceId = 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 (cV = 8wwu4zax+UitXUQi.1.0.0)
2019/01/30 01:44:45.3890675 3148 7556 Misc Got 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 redir Client/Server URL:""
2019/01/30 01:44:45.3943861 3148 7556 Misc Token Requested with 0 category IDs.
2019/01/30 01:44:45.4527484 3148 7556 Misc Acquired new token from Server
2019/01/30 01:44:45.4528429 3148 7556 Misc Got service 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 plugin Client/Server auth token of type 0x00000001
2019/01/30 01:44:45.4900391 3148 7556 Driver Skipping printer driver 5 due to incomplete info or mismatched environment - HWID[microsoftmicrosoft_musd] Provider[Microsoft] MfgName[Microsoft] Name[Microsoft enhanced Point and Print compatibility driver] pEnvironment[Windows NT x86] LocalPrintServerEnv[Windows x64]
2019/01/30 01:44:45.7565789 3148 7556 ProtocolTalker ServiceId = {8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552}, Server URL =
2019/01/30 01:44:45.7565804 3148 7556 ProtocolTalker OK to reuse existing configuration
2019/01/30 01:44:45.7565833 3148 7556 ProtocolTalker Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2019/01/30 01:44:45.7565932 3148 7556 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::StartCategoryScan_WithRecovery) started; operation # 44; does use network; is at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:45.7566102 3148 7556 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call.
2019/01/30 01:44:46.4337944 3148 7556 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::StartCategoryScan_WithRecovery, operation # 44) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:46.4368245 3148 7556 ProtocolTalker ServiceId = {8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552}, Server URL =
2019/01/30 01:44:46.4397028 3148 7556 ProtocolTalker OK to reuse existing configuration
2019/01/30 01:44:46.4397098 3148 7556 ProtocolTalker Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2019/01/30 01:44:46.4401987 3148 7556 ProtocolTalker DeviceAttributes[URI]: E:DchuIntelGrfxExists=1&FlightRing=Retail&TelemetryLevel=3&HidOverGattReg=C%3A%5CWINDOWS%5CSystem32%5CDriverStore%5CFileRepository%5Chidbthle.inf_amd64_467f181075371c89%5CMicrosoft.Bluetooth.Profiles.HidOverGatt.dll&AppVer=10.0.17134.471&ProcessorIdentifier=Intel64%20Family%206%20Model%2058%20Stepping%209&DataVer_RS5=1939&OEMModel=System%20Product%20Name&ProcessorManufacturer=GenuineIntel&InstallDate=1527029305&OEMModelBaseBoard=MAXIMUS%20IV%20GENE-Z%2FGEN3&BranchReadinessLevel=CB&GStatus_RS5=0&OSRollbackCount=5&Version_RS5=10&Bios=2012&OSRollbackBuild=10.0.17763.1&IsDeviceRetailDemo=0&FlightingBranchName=&DchuNvidiaGrfxExists=1&OSUILocale=en-US&PonchAllow=1090519040&DeviceFamily=Windows.Desktop&WuClientVer=10.0.17134.471&IsFlightingEnabled=0&OSSkuId=48&App=WU&CurrentBranch=rs4_release&InstallLanguage=en-US&OEMName_Uncleaned=System%20manufacturer&InstallationType=Client&AttrDataVer=55&OSVersion=10.0.17134.556&UpgEx_RS5=Green&Steam=URL%3Asteam%20protocol&Free=16t
2019/01/30 01:44:46.4408701 3148 7556 ProtocolTalker ProductAttributes: (null) | CallerAttributes: E:Interactive=1&Profile=DU&OSVersionOverride=10.0.17763. | CurrentVersionOnly: No
2019/01/30 01:44:46.4412326 3148 7556 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 45; does use network; is at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:46.6079656 3148 7556 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 45) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:46.6150200 3148 7556 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 46; does use network; is at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:47.4009226 3148 7556 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 46) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:47.4025853 3148 7556 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates - 0 bad out of 0 metadata signatures checked using Enforce enforcement mode (raw mode: Enforce).
2019/01/30 01:44:47.4038776 3148 7556 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates round trips: 2
2019/01/30 01:44:47.4056672 3148 7556 Agent Found 0 updates and 0 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 0 out of 2 deployed entities
2019/01/30 01:44:47.4089086 3148 7556 Agent * END * Finding updates CallerId = Dynamic Update, Id = 8, Exit code = 0x00000000 (cV = 8wwu4zax+UitXUQi.
2019/01/30 01:44:47.4159106 3148 7556 IdleTimer WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 8, operation # 41) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority
2019/01/30 01:44:47.4161312 13320 13812 ComApi *RESUMED* Search ClientId = Dynamic Update, ServiceId = 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 (cV = 8wwu4zax+UitXUQi.1.1.0)
2019/01/30 01:44:47.4167014 13320 13812 ComApi * END * Search ClientId = Dynamic Update, Updates found = 0, ServiceId = 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 (cV = 8wwu4zax+UitXUQi.1.1.0)
2019/01/30 01:44:47.4169928 13320 19360 ComApi * END * All federated searches have completed. Jobs = 2****96F6D397 removed
2019/01/30 01:44:47.4422452 3148 11828 Agent RemoveTargetedServiceMapping: 55FCF0D5-****231323 3148 9344 Misc CSusClientGlobal::DoServicePreShutdown
2019/01/30 01:54:48.5231344 3148 9344 IdleTimer Idle timer disabled in preparation for service shutdown
2019/01/30 01:54:48.5231882 3148 9344 Misc WUTaskManager uninit
2019/01/30 01:54:48.5231920 3148 9344 Agent Earliest future timer found:
2019/01/30 01:54:48.5232008 3148 9344 Agent Timer: 29A863E7-8609-4D1E-B7CD-5668F857F1DB, Expires 2019-01-30 22:45:21, not idle-only, not network-only
2019/01/30 01:54:48.5398777 3148 9344 Misc CreateSessionStateChangeTrigger, TYPE:2, Enable:No
2019/01/30 01:54:48.5398915 3148 9344 Misc CreateSessionStateChangeTrigger, TYPE:4, Enable:No
2019/01/30 01:54:48.6143810 3148 9344 Misc Agent uninit
2019/01/30 01:54:48.6211835 3148 9344 Misc Reporter uninit
2019/01/30 01:54:48.6213371 3148 9344 Misc network cost manager uninit
2019/01/30 01:54:48.6213535 3148 9344 Misc Eventer uninit
2019/01/30 01:54:49.6362829 3148 9344 Misc ServiceManager uninit
2019/01/30 01:54:49.6363297 3148 9344 Misc PersistentTimeoutScheduler uninit
2019/01/30 01:54:49.6363315 3148 9344 Misc datastore uninit
2019/01/30 01:54:49.6576614 3148 9344 Misc setting cache uninit
2019/01/30 01:54:49.6576629 3148 9344 Misc security checker uninit
2019/01/30 01:54:49.6576658 3148 9344 Misc Test Hook uninit
2019/01/30 01:54:49.6576667 3148 9344 Misc IdleTimer uninit
2019/01/30 01:54:49.6583893 3148 9344 Shared * END * Service exit Exit code = 0x240001
2019/01/30 01:59:29.9749208 3720 3784 Shared * START * Service startup
2019/01/30 01:59:30.0436421 3720 3784 IdleTimer Non-AoAc machine. Aoac operations will be ignored.
2019/01/30 01:59:30.0453317 3720 3784 Agent WU client version 10.0.17134.471
2019/01/30 01:59:30.0475994 3720 3784 Agent SleepStudyTracker: Machine is non-AOAC. Sleep study tracker disabled.
2019/01/30 01:59:30.0477202 3720 3784 Agent Base directory: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution
2019/01/30 01:59:30.0500239 3720 3784 Agent Datastore directory: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\DataStore.edb
2019/01/30 01:59:30.1194962 3720 3784 DataStore JetEnableMultiInstance succeeded - applicable param count: 5, applied param count: 5
2019/01/30 01:59:30.2815622 3720 3784 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 2.
2019/01/30 01:59:30.2816953 3720 3784 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 2.
2019/01/30 01:59:30.2827117 3720 3784 Shared Network state: Connected
2019/01/30 01:59:36.3671629 3720 3784 Misc *FAILED* [8024000C] LoadHistoryEventFromRegistry completed
2019/01/30 01:59:36.3676515 3720 3784 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 2.
2019/01/30 01:59:36.3676583 3720 3784 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 2.
2019/01/30 01:59:36.3676641 3720 3784 Shared Power status changed
2019/01/30 01:59:36.3742472 3720 3784 Agent Initializing global settings cache
2019/01/30 01:59:36.3742484 3720 3784 Agent WSUS server: (null)
2019/01/30 01:59:36.3742492 3720 3784 Agent WSUS status server: (null)

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