Win10 Repair Loop - No USB Options available



Occurence: I logged in Wednesday morning and went through my usual rounds of work related tasks. I walked away from the PC with Outlook, Excel and IE running. Went out for coffee, was gone maybe 2 hrs. Came back and of course the monitors had gone to sleep, although the PC was running, all LEDs, Fans and such were running. So I tapped the space bar - nothing. Clicked the Mouse - nothing. Noticed that all LEDs on the Keyboard and the mouse were NOT lit up. Hmm... Let it sit for a minute while I pondered the problem. Repeated the steps above - nothing. Initially I started thinking about a failed WU w/oo a restart. I said NO, my computer has always reset with new WUs and I just did this on Sunday. Can't be a bad update, or could it?

Ok, so 15min later, here we go - I pressed the Reset button on the case. Computer Resets itself, and presents a failed Post Error. So I entered the BIOS-F1, and checked everything out. Keyboard works in BIOS, mouse is responding to the BIOS GUI, all appears well. Save and Exit, she resets and black screen, with a white QLED on the mobo. Hmm, that means bad VGA. That's weird. So I reset it again, and the White QLED goes away, BIOS loads, Post Error again, so I went back into BIOS, Loaded Optimized settings with the mouse and KB working again, and Save & Exit.

After loading Optimized Settings, it loads the BIOS, but this time it boots to Windows Logo and nothing! The Keyboard and Mouse immediately shut off, and I am dead with the Win Logo on my monitor. (I let it sit for about 15min and then I repeat steps above, and the same White QLED presents itself, so I reset again, and she Fails POST. Bad GPU or Bad CPU??

I've gone through this many times with an occasional Windows Repair screen appearing (I always let it run for 15min before I resort to Resets), keeping in mind that the Keyboard and Mouse always turn themselves off immediately and fail to respond to any USB Port change, Front or Rear. Yeah - it's been a long weekend!! I have attempted using different combos of USB ports with various KBs and Mice. I have plugged in the original KB and Mice into other computers and they all work fine. So....

I begain clearing the CMOS, nothing - swapping DRAMs - nothing, then swapped the GPU - nothing, then removed the Sound Card, then tried one DRAM stick at a time, tried 2 at a time, all of these in single sequence so as not to do too much at once, but in an attempt to isolate one single problem. I then concluded something has to be bad with the mobo!!?? But before I bought the ROG Strix B450-F shown below, I plugged in a Win10 USB Bootdrive and went for F8 to repair. Reset again, NOPE - denied, the keyboard and mouse shutoff without allowing access to the USBs. Are the USB I/Os gone? ...Is this even possible? So then I remove the SSDs, and isolate the Boot to the USB - nothing!! She's been running fine for 6 months since I built her. All the clocks in the house are fine, no power outages while I was gone.

The matrix you see below is original "potential problem" parts on the left and newly purchased trouble-shooting parts on the right.

[Original Parts / Attempted ReplacementPart]

Win 10 Pro (Full) / Null

Ryzen 7 2700X @4.1 / Null (I do have a spare 1700X I can throw in with a new SSD to try, just haven't done it)

Corsair PSU TX750M Gold

Asus ROG Strix X370-F (gaming) / ROG Strix B450-F (gaming)

32GB DDR4 Corsair Dominator 3200 / 32GB GSkill DDR4 F4-2400

TitanX 1080ti FE / GeForce GTX 2060

Creative SB AXE5 / Removed

Dual Samsung 860s (1TB ea) / Null

So, I have successfully been presented with the same errors I explained above with all of these new and used parts in one sequence or another. Only thing left you say is the SSDs and the CPU? So I pulled the plug on the SSDs, Reset the CMOS all together and plugged in an old SATA I had. - SAME ERRORs!!! I can't even load a USB Boot Drive with a different HDD on the mobo.

Tonight's Tasking: My next step is to install an NvME and setup in Raid to see if I can load Win10 that way.

Is it possible the CPU is bad? Would a bad CPU present the White QLED for 2 GPUs???

I have now pulled the SSD, plugged it into this laptop via USB adapter and have access to the C:/. If anyone knows of a hidden folder with secret logs - I will post them. If you have a secret test other than chkdsk, scandisk, dism, or other error checking, share the knowledge and I will troubleshoot the attached main drive with this laptop.


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