black screen now hard disc/boot failure



Partner bought me a Lenovo Ipad320 just over a year a This was seldom used, the odd internet search and some Microsoft online games, solitaire etc to wind down. I'd go off to make a cup of tea come back and the screen would be black and it would seem to have gone in to 'hibernation'. Often it would come back up and you'd have to force a shut down from the power button and start back up from scratch.

Eventually I got so fed up of restarting it, I contacted Lenovo one day when I couldn't get it to restart and the power completely went. Support suggested a NOVO button on the side which eventually allowed me to start it up.

The black screen kept happening, I changed the screen settings to prevent it hibernating selecting 2 hours, but again, often I'd pop off to get a drink, do some washing, little things of less than 20 mins and I'd come back to a black screen and have to completely reboot.

A few weeks back the screen went black again one Saturday morning and wouldn't come back on even after rebooting. I tried leaving it to run the battery down and then fully recharge it, still nothing. Tried the NOVO button again (as previously suggested by Lenovo support) still nothing. Eventually after looking online I tried connecting the laptop to our desktop monitor as some posts had suggested it may be the display. Voila, a greyish black screen and eventually the Lenovo logo and then..... c:\ drive repair recovery 0%.... This eventually got to 100% after about 7 hours and I just happened to be passing the computer as it hit 100% and saw it go straight to 0 and start again, and again

I contacted Lenovo who suggested a static discharge and then a system reboot via the NOVO button. Nothing worked. They offered to take look, so I sent it off to them only to discover it needs a main board and HDD according to the £402 repair estimate Lenovo have sent me as they state they can't repair it as its out of warranty now.

Have never had problems with our desktop (over 20 years old) nor my work Dell which is Windows 10. Whilst I can turn on and operate a computer, I have no technical knowledge whatsoever so when the problem initially occurred I relied on Lenovo support's knowledge. Was the repeated black screen problem a sign it was faulty at the outset or just plain bad luck when it went off one day and the whole laptop failed?

As the repair estimate is more than it cost new, was thinking of just getting a new machine as have lost all faith in this one. Any advice?

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