IIS website secured by certificate only works with private name on the local server



I've got an odd problem I've seen on a few server 2016 iis servers. They host a website secured with a wildcard ssl cert (*.contoso.com). If I access the website from any other computer other than the webhost itself, it works fine with the public name (ie https://webhost1.contoso.com .

However if I logon to the webhost1 server and try the public name...it never accepts the user credentials, it just continously keeps prompting for credentials. I have to logon via the hostname (https://webhost1.contoso.local) to access the website. Again I only see this happen from the local server.

Anyone ever run into this and have a fix for it? I've tried adding the public name as an alternate name for the server, adding extra spn's with short name/fqdn. I verified the server can ping itself with the fqdn public name. Not sure what else to try.

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