Net use failure - System error 1311 - There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request




I'm trying to map network drives from a W7 x64 workstation across a VPN to two Server 2016 servers via a cmd file using net use

The scenario is as follows

AD1 Domain Controller - Server 2016

AS1 Member Server - Server 2016

FS1 Member Server - Server 2016

I want to map to shares on both AS1 and FS1

I can map shares on AS1 without issue, but not FS1

Workstation can ping both AS1 and FS1 by name (i.e. name resolution works)

net view \\fs1

fails (quickly) - access is denied

net use Z: \\fs1\share /user:domain/user password

fails after a period of time - System error 1311 - There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request

I have also tried connecting by IP address which made no difference and given that name resolution is working that is not surprising.

From my perspective FS1 and AS1 are configured identically, yet clearly there is some difference that I need to identify.

Would appreciate some troubleshooting suggestions



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