Why is windows backup and restore (windows 7) terrible?



Where do I even begin?

Every time I use Windows 10, I get anxiety as it feels like such a fragile operating system that if you do the wrong thing it screws up something and it is very hard to reverse it unless you reinstall the OS.

I have been using Windows for years and it feels like this OS gets worse with every update.

No one likes Cortana.

No one likes Bing.

No one likes Edge. A reason why Microsoft is redesigning it in the first place around chromium. Chrome and Firefox are way better anyways.

The Windows store is a mess. I don’t know anyone that buys software on there.

All the tracking stuff is awful to have on your computer.

One Drive is terrible as well as it can ruin Windows backup and restore and is a pain to use.

Worst of all for me is the Windows Backup and Restore.

Like a normal person, I want my data to be safe and accessible if something goes wrong. I have been using Windows back up (Windows 7) for years now and I still think it is as terrible when it was first launched. Things can go wrong with PC’s, that’s life, and I have relied on Windows back up to create an image for me that I can use to restore my main PC’s hard drive (SSD in this case) if I get a bad update (like Microsoft keeps releasing) or something goes wrong that requires me to go back to system recover and reimage my main C drive.

There are lots of things that can go wrong with back up from using the Windows 7 version. For me at least, I have no issues most of the time creating an image that I can use recovery to restore my OS to an earlier time.

My biggest issue with Windows backup and restore is that it takes a file that isn’t even on my main Windows drive off a separate hard drive that I use in my computer for other stuff like photos, videos, music, games, etc. This particular file is a personal videos file that was just randomly thrown into the back up. YES, I have made sure that the file isn’t selected from that particular drive and have done as much as I can other than reinstalling the OS to make sure that it isn’t backed up.

The worst part about this is that I had to create a new folder and put my videos into a separate folder on the same drive so Windows back up doesn’t put 26 GB worth of videos in the back up image and if I do try and delete that specific folder even if it isn’t selected in the Windows backup and restore application, the backup will say that it completed, but there were files missing. The only way Windows back up will work correctly is if I have a folder with that specific name on that hard drive. I have browsed many forums to see if there is a resolve for this and there is none. Other people are reporting the same thing that there are files missing from the backup.

I am so tired of this garbage and in 2019 with the talent that Microsoft hires to make Windows 10, they should be able to come up with an easy to use and simple imaging and file back up like what Apple’s time machine offers.

Microsoft really needs to stop treating Windows 10 like a service and stop adding useless features that no one is going to ever use. It is no wonder that in 2019 there are so many people want to continue to use Windows 7 in this day and age when it will stop receiving security updates in less than a year.

I also read somewhere that Microsoft has stopped supporting Windows back up and restore (Windows 7) in 1709 update. If this is true, then how are people supposed to use the image recovery tool in the future if Microsoft has stopped supporting it? They may even remove it in the future

I have looked into 3rd party back ups like Arconis true image back up and am enticed to buy it. If anyone has experience using this feel free to let me know if it is as good as everyone says it is as I obviously want something that can create an image of my main Windows drive effortlessly and restore from that external drive if needed.

File history isn’t the best option also as I don’t want to create multiple copies of my 1.6 TB of data as I don’t have the space for that and don’t want to back that up all the time. It also doesn’t include an imaging option.

Sorry for the long post and grammar if I miss spelled stuff as this was more of a rant. Your thoughts on this would be very much appreciated!

TLDR: Windows image back up sucks and there needs to be a better way to do it officially.

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