Clock Watchdog timeout BSOD error after clean Windows 10 install



Hi all,

I recently built a new PC and transplanted my old SSD with a Windows 10 install into it temporarily (same chipset, seemed to work ok). However, my intention was to install a fresh copy when I got time, which I did yesterday a week later, using a new Windows 10 code as the last install failed to activate which is fair enough

I had issues installing the latest service pack on the last install so it was not completely up to date with that and drivers etc BUT it was completely stable on my new PC and worked without a hitch for over a week.

However, the day after installing Windows 10 I am now getting system freezes followed immediately by a blue screen and the error code: Clock Watchdog timeout BSOD error.

The PC is not overclocked, the hardware is identical to before and the only things that have changed are software-based, namely the latest version of Windows 10 and the latest drivers so in my mind that's where the issue is. I've seen elsewhere that this can be driver based but everything is up to date according to Windows update and I've manually installed the latest Nvidia driver as well.

Any help much appreciated!

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