Inconsistent results between machines with Microsoft Print to PDF


Angus Kitchin

I have a Surface Book laptop and an HP desktop. Both are running Windows 10 and I make a lot of use of the Microsoft Print to PDF driver. I also make a lot of use with OneDrive to provide me consistent access to the latest versions of all my files wherever I am, in the office or out on site. Everything works well.

The problem is that when I create a PDF with my laptop I have found that I get different results to when I create a PDF with my desktop. Futher experiments show this is mostly (possibly even exclusively) with Excel, and specifically with Excel when it has to scale the worksheet to 'fit all columns on page'. I can take exactly the same document with exactly the same settings and print it in exactly the same way, but get two different outputs.

The way in which the two PDFs differ changes from document to document.

In one case a work sheet with a company logo in the header has a good 'Print Preview' but massively magnifies the logo. When there are multiple pages (across several work sheets printing at the same time) it will only do this on some of the pages, typically the ones which the 'fit' function applied to the print preferences. Print preview functions show everything to be fine, but when I print from my laptop I get the occasional distortion, as described (the preview does not match the output). When I print from my desktop it's fine (the preview matches the output).

In another case, a worksheet sized to fit on a page when previewed on the desktop will overspill onto a second page when previewed on the laptop. In this case the preview matches the output for both machines, but the output is different.

I have tried to completely remove and reinstall Excel on both machines. I have completely (I think) removed the 'Print to PDF' printer on both machines (difficult to know if I have *really* removed it, or if the reinstallation is using the same driver). In all cases the results remain the same: some documents print fine on both machines, others are changed in some way.

This is really frustrating and I am hoping that a) I am not the only one out there to have had similar problems, b) if anybody has a solution.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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