AVG anti-rootkit - normal or safe Mode ?



I've just been digging around www.grisoft.com and there seems ot be precious
little information about their free rootkit detector !
i.e. no advice at to whether it's best to run it in Windows normal env. or
in Safe Mode !

....any views ?

regards, Richard


"RJK" wrote:
> I've just been digging around www.grisoft.com and there seems ot be precious little
> information about their free rootkit detector !
> i.e. no advice at to whether it's best to run it in Windows normal env. or in Safe Mode
> !

The AVG Forums discusses the tool here: <http://forum.grisoft.cz/freeforum/list.php?11>



kurt wismer

RJK wrote:
> I've just been digging around www.grisoft.com and there seems ot be precious
> little information about their free rootkit detector !
> i.e. no advice at to whether it's best to run it in Windows normal env. or
> in Safe Mode !
> ...any views ?

most dedicated 'rootkit' (i won't confuse the issue by correcting
terminology here) detectors work by detecting the effects of the stealth
malware (whether that be by detecting aspects of it's implementation in
the form of hooks, or by detecting the fact that certain objects that
can be seen using low-level routines can't be see using high-level api
calls)... this mode of operation assumes that the 'rootkit' is actually
active so you'll probably want to use it in normal mode...

"it's not the right time to be sober
now the idiots have taken over
spreading like a social cancer,
is there an answer?"
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