Problems opening Word Pad File



I saved an important document created in Word Pad to a floppy disk and sure
enough the hard drive that I had it stored on crashed. When I try to open
the file on the floppy disk on another computer I get the word pad screen
and then a pop up error message with the yield sign exclamation point: "An
unexpected error occured while opening c:filename.doc" or txt or whatever the
extension for word pad is. I looked in the local help section of Windows 98
for what to do and it was no help. I tried opening it on a Windows XP
computer and I get the same problem.
Is there any way to get a more detailed explanation on what the problem is
or any way to resurrect this file? I have other word pad files on the
computer I'm using and they open up with no problem.


First, try copying the file from the floppy disk onto your hard drive (the Desktop,
or My Documents).
Then try opening the copy on your hard drive with you still get the
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+

"SDUSER" <> wrote in message
> I saved an important document created in Word Pad to a floppy disk and sure
> enough the hard drive that I had it stored on crashed. When I try to open
> the file on the floppy disk on another computer I get the word pad screen
> and then a pop up error message with the yield sign exclamation point: "An
> unexpected error occured while opening c:filename.doc" or txt or whatever the
> extension for word pad is. I looked in the local help section of Windows 98
> for what to do and it was no help. I tried opening it on a Windows XP
> computer and I get the same problem.
> Is there any way to get a more detailed explanation on what the problem is
> or any way to resurrect this file? I have other word pad files on the
> computer I'm using and they open up with no problem.


=?Utf-8?B?U0RVU0VS?= <> wrote

> I saved an important document created in Word Pad to a
> floppy disk and sure enough the hard drive that I had it
> stored on crashed. When I try to open the file on the
> floppy disk on another computer I get the word pad screen
> and then a pop up error message with the yield sign
> exclamation point: "An unexpected error occured while
> opening c:filename.doc" or txt or whatever the extension
> for word pad is. I looked in the local help section of
> Windows 98 for what to do and it was no help. I tried
> opening it on a Windows XP computer and I get the same
> problem. Is there any way to get a more detailed
> explanation on what the problem is or any way to resurrect
> this file? I have other word pad files on the computer I'm
> using and they open up with no problem.

First of all, you NEVER work with floppy disks directly. You
COPY onto a hard drive, then you do whatever you do.

You can open the file in Notepad (unless it's too big, then get
edxor, free, Google for it) whatever its extension is, if it
won't open, enter either *.* or just single asterisk in the
"file name" box next to "open" button and try again. If it will
not open, try on other computers. Try cleaning the floppy drive.
Pray. Etc.

If it opens, you will see a lot of Microsoft garbage but also
all the text of your file, somewhere, possibly somewhat out of
order, but it should all be there. Save it as something.txt and
edit the garbage out.

Congratulations on using WordPad instead of Office, but I
suggest you get NoteTab Light from Free. You
won't believe what it can do.
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