New PC with SSD and HDD setup


Jim and Barb

I'm having issues completing my environment setup on my Dell XPS 8930 desktop computer.

As mentioned in the subject line, my PC has both an SSD and HDD.

The operating system (Windows 10 Pro) is on the SSD as Drive C.

The HDD is 2tb and I plan to use this for my user data.

I moved (move to new location via properties) my user data from C: to D: which was the typical Documments, Pictures, Videos, Music, Desktop and Downloads.

All moved fine without issue.

Then, I discovered it was possible to move the OneDrive location as well.

So, I followed the Microsoft web based instructions as well.

Upon completing this task, my previously moved user folders went away, but exist within the OneDrive sub-directories.

While I was surprised at this, it seemed to make sense because of file syncing. If both OneDrive and my user folders lived separately on the same drive, I would have duplicate files...

Therefore I assume this was supposed to happen. Is this correct ?

Now, my next issue.

I have a 1tb Western Digital USB3 drive attached to this PC as a backup drive.

After syncing OneDrive (cloud) to my D: drive OneDrive along with reinstalling my software from my old PC, my thoughts were to backup to User Data Drive "D:" to my WD Drive "G:".

I attempted to use Robocopy with the /MIR (mirror parameter) to complete this task, but it failed with error because of a Recycle Bin issue. Additionally, it seemed to wipe out all pre-existing files on my G: drive, which now says its empty even thought the same space allocated for those former files shows up as used space (very strange).

I them tried a Robocopy with specific sub-directories within drive D: like /OneDrive, but again the process failed because it said OneDrive is in use.

Can anyone provide suggestions to my issues ?

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