I have been having the same issue with windows 10 for two years. WHY has it not been fixed yet?



I got my computer in 2017, and it came with windows 10. Ever since I have had this computer, I have had issues with the disk being at 100%. I have done all the fixes possible, and yet here I am with a computer I paid 2000 bucks for that I am constantly having to tweek and fix. It's utter BS. I spend more time trying to fix it then I get to actually use it.

I am not the only person with this issue, Microsoft, your forums are literally filled with people complaining about the same thing since you came out with this abomination, 4 years ago. Why on earth have you not fixed these bugs? I swear I am going to switch to Mac. I don't like apple, but at least what they have is reliable and you can actually use their products instead of trying to fix them all the time. Get your act together, Microsoft.

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