Windows 10 How to remove the Ribbon menu?



There is a ribbon on all the menus. MS put into Office years ago and ruined a perfectly decent program. I got so frustrated I gave up using it. You can never find anything.

Now I've got Windows 10 and having a lot of problems setting it up corectly.

Access to so many things is either hidden or you need to use HKEY to fix it. Personlisation is a nightmare. Bing is like a yoyo virus, but I've removed it from most things. But the menus are driving me potty.

How do you get normal menus?

I do not need to know how to temp hide the ribbon, I want it gone. I cannot use the menu if I need to display the ribbon. If people want to use the ribbon then that is their choice, but what about my choice?

I'm just frustrated with hopping all over the place with big icons using up so much space. It's like trying to navigate a weird language. It's so slow and I do not find it intuitive or user friendly.

All help is appreciated.

If anyone knows how to improve the Start menu I'm also grateful. The line space per item is too much. If I could shrink the icon, it might help. I've deleted all the big icons that appear on right side of menu as they were useless. and replaced with most frquently used small icon etc.

It's as if someone did not design it for a desktop. I do not want to scroll when there is plenty of space unused between items in the list. Any ideas welcome.

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