Why spend money on a new PC? Just because MS wants me to use Windows 10?



Dear Microsoft.

Why should I spend money on a new PC if it works perfectly for me in every single task I performed in the last ten years with Windows 7?

Why would I spend more resources from the planet for a new PC if it works flawlessly, day after day? And when it breaks, I go there and I fix it myself with a new part?

Maybe the time for switching to a free Operating System, without compromising my old hardware, Like Windows 10 likes to do with older hardwain every update, has arrived?

Today the technology is coming into stabilization. No great leaps in performance nor computing power are to be seen soon. The same applies to cellphones. There is no logical reason to throw out your perfectly functioning hardware and buy a new one unless is just for the sake of buying a new thing and filling up Vendor and Microsoft's pockets.

No replies saying "oh, to have a team of 10000 engineers to keep updating software and patching security flaws for you", that is not enough.

Planned Obsolescence at its best!

Thank you, Microsoft.


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