workarounds for updating the C++2013 32 bit RTM on servers


Al Hasoob


quite frequently I am facing a problem:

"You damanged our Citrix server". "You damaged our ERP".

I did install a product CD that comes with c++2013 12.0.30501, and when the msi installer launches the c++2013 install this triggers the existing 2013 32 bit to uninstall the 32 bit and the 64 bit. This can also be reproduced by using the "uninstall" method in the C++2013 32 bit, after that the 64 bit runtime is gone too.

The unintended uninstall of the C++2013 64 bit is a bug in the 32 bit RTM, but it also seems that some third party vendors didn't get the punch and still deploy their software with C++2013 RTM.

My question is how to prevent the unintended uninstall of the C++2013 64 bit when updating the c++ 2013 32 bit?

IT architect - Terminal servers, virtualizations, SQL servers, file servers, WAN networks and closely related to software devleopment (8 years + experience in VB, C++ and script langugaes), MCP for SQL server and CCAA for Xenapp 6.5

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