PC love/hate relationship with WIFI connection



TLDR: PC has nasty disconnecty wireless network adapter connection issue. Tried everything google suggested.


I'd be very grateful if any of you would have any ideas to fix my problem. I'll try to write it out and explore what I've found as best I can. I'd say about 50% of the time my internet is good (able to use Netflix, software, games) however the rest of the time it feels like I'm doing surgery to keep it going (with the methods listed below). Sometimes it cuts out semi-regularly for a few hours and othertimes it is just plain unusable.


Realtek RTL8192CE Wireless Lan 802.11n PCI-E NIC - (issue persisted with alternate TP Link Wireless adapter)

I5 Quad core

Radeon RX 470

Windows 10


BT Smart Hub 4 - (issue persisted albeit slight differently with older BT routers. Differently in the sense that the internet was more likely to work, however when it didn't it was often done for the night.)

5+ other computer/devices are connected wirelessly.

Issues (regular messages):

"No Internet, Secured"

Wifi fluctuates between 4 bars and being unable to find it

"Unable to connect to this network"

Troubleshooter: - "Problem with wereless adapter or access

Troubleshooter: - "The default Gateway is not available"

Troubleshooter: - "Wifi does not have a valid IP configuration"

Internet is sometimes just really really slow.

Sometimes the internet is fine from the settings but isn't working anyhow.

Solutions tried (and success rate):

Resetting PC (20%)

Ipconfig /release /renew (20%) - sometimes renew fails because "the operation is canceled by the user" without me doing anything.

Troubleshooter (10%/75% when it 'resets the network adapter')

disconnecting/reconnecting (5%, sometimes it "forgets the password" and then remembers it after a few minutes when I try to connect again.)

Netsh Winsock (I think this is the same as reseting the adapter?)

Changing WLAN services to manual/automated and restarting (no effect)

Changing adapter power management does nothing. Unticking the box to "Allow PC to turn off this device" actually weirdly seems to make things worse".

Updating/redownloading device driver does nothing (and some of the guides I have read didn't make it clear that the driver install should be installed somewhere before uninstalling it from the system which is a hilarious/horrible troll)

Leaving PC for about 30mins and coming back (50%)

ethernet cable works as normal - however I can't currently do this :(

Meddling with TCP v4/v6 connections (25%) - I've had this problem for a while and I've definately done this and can't remember exactly what I've changed at each point. I've had some success removing v6

Points of interest:

Some software 'cuts the internet'. Not all the time, but features such as the Magic ARENA game's program's Home and Shop screen somehow cause the internet to crash for a few minutes. Actually playing the game is fine. I have also noticed the internet dropping when I load up the game Apex Legends - this may all be a seperate issue?

I've used pingplotter to analyse my performance - it rotates between looking fine and then like a bar code, with the issue being at my end.

I really don't think there is a time of day/usage factor involved as I have tested at many different times. I will say however that there are good weeks and bad weeks in general. I have talked to my internet provider and it is not at their end. Again, other devices are working fine.

Some Ideas:

What boxes sould be ticked in the the "wifi properties" in the network connections?

could there be a TCP issue?

can I do something with this 'default gateway'?

I'm super grateful for any comments - I'll keep checking this post (if the internet will let me).

Thanks for reading!

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