Internet is half-blocked. I can't see most of Youtube videos or use Discord and Twitter, and more. Restricted Mode?



Hello. I'll try to give all the details necessary.

I have a Windows 10 Home Edition connected via wireless thanks to a d-link usb key.

I bought this PC about a month ago, so it's pretty much new.

My Internet provider is called Fastweb.

This question is heavily connected with this question from 2016, for I have the exact same problem.

I tried to follow the suggestions but it didn't work.

It all started with the plan to install a parental filter. My first choice was K9 Web Protection. And so I installed it. But ironically, after a couple of hours Norton sent a message, saying that K9 Web Protection is now closed and that I couldn't use it.

While I needed a program like these, I decided to not use a filter. I didn't unistall it, but I would have had eventually very soon, since I couldn't use it in any way. There was no sign of activity.

Yesterday, Microsoft started a new update for my PC. So I left downloading it and installing it, and then I went to sleep.

When I turned on my PC, and opened my web browser (Firefox (NOT Google Chrome or Chronium)). I noticed a notification from K9 Web Protection.

At first I was surprised, because I didn't imagine that it would have worked.

The notification said they blocked a Youtube related link. So I went in the settings and changed the options.

Then, I logged on Twitter, but I couldn't load my homepage (or timeline). There is only a message with written "Something went wrong" and a button for reloading the page.

If I reload, nothing really happens.

Then I noticed Discord didn't work, either. It just says "Update failed - retrying in <tot> seconds". I was kind of shock because my connection was stable.

Even if the previous days it wasn't. In fact, I called Fastweb because there was an issue with my connection, and they said they would have tried to fix it.

When I noticed this issue, I thought it was related to my network.

However I tried to look on another PC in my house (connected via ethernet), and it worked perfectly. I tried to connect my phone via wi-fi, and so is the same.

Even my console gaming works right. But if I connect my PC via tethering with my smartphone's connection, it doesn't work, even if it's another network. So, I just did the math, and got that the problem was probably related only on my PC, rather on my home network.

I tried to experiment by surfing on Internet, and I noticed Youtube was different. If I play most of the videos, there is a shown message:

"This video is restricted. Try singing in with a Google Apps account"

I had no idea what it was asking to. I searched on internet, and apparently Google Apps is an advanced setting used for schools, for students and teachers.

But this doesn't have to do with me at all! I'm using my PC normally at home. So it wasn't normal.

Moreover, I checked my Youtube channel and noticed a good 90% of my videos weren't visible. I couldn't watch them at all.

It's like if a filter is on.

So I did my research, which brought me here.

About the link I posted above - Yes, I did try to turn off the Youtube restricted mode option in settings, but it was futile, because there was no option visible.

So the next suggestion was to restore to the previous firmware because it might have been a problem caused by Windows Update.

And to me, it made sense. After all, I started getting this problems after the update.

So I did what he suggested... But nothing happened.

It's the same as before. I can't connect on Twitter, Discord, Youtube, and most of the websites look like cut in two.

What about K9 Web Protection? Well, I did what I could. I tried deactivate everything. I tried uninstalling it. But nothing happened.

Then I went on Get Help > Check/Dispute site and pasted one of the Youtube videos to check if I could remove it from the blacklist.

This is the message:

"This is a high-profile website, and its rating has been locked. It cannot be disputed."

So yes, I think K9 Web Protection has something to do with it. But I don't know how exactly.

I tried restoring the network system, but nothing happened.

I don't know what to do next. I don't want to restore everything just for this.

There must be a way to find a solution. I'm not sure the problem is K9 Web Protection, but I tried to give you all the details so that you could give me a help.

Thank you very much.

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