WIN 10 Pro will Not Install on new SSD!!!! Driver pnp watchdog during Win 10 installation!!!! HELP!!!!



I am trying to install Win 10 Pro on a computer that previously had a motherboard failure. Because it was an older PC, I decided to upgrade with some new/old parts that I won in a contest when I was working for Geek Squad. I installed an older but new Intel Extreme DP67BG motherboard, an older but new Intel Core i7-2700, 16GB New Crucial RAM, New Crucial 1 TB SSD drive and a New copy (USB) of Win 10 Pro. I have tried to install the SSD on SATA Ports 0, 1, 2 & 3 with the same results. I have changed SATA cables also. If I set the BIOS in the IDE mode, the MB sees no drive. When I set it in the AHCI mode, the MB sees the drive so I save the settings and go to the Win 10 setup. I choose 64-Bit installation and it goes through the loading files part, accept the terms, click on Custom: Install Windows only and then tells me that couldn't find any drives to install the OS. I try the Load Drivers but don't have any software for this SSD. Why can't Windows find the SSD that shows in the BIOS??

So I try another option: I go to the Win 10 troubleshooting and choose Repair Computer and then Troubleshooting. I tried Startup Repair but it could not find anything. I went to Command Prompt. I use diskpart and List Disk to select Disk 0. When I type Clean, I get an error that says "DiskPart has encountered an error: The request could not be performed because of an I/O error. Please see the System Event Log for more info."

Several times, I got Driver PNP watchdog with a barcode but when I scanned the barcode, it took me to a generic MS page that was no help at all.

I try to create partition primary and get the same error message: "DiskPart has encountered an error: The request could not be performed because of an I/O error. Please see the System Event Log for more info."

I try to select partition 1 and am successful. YEAH!

I try format fs=ntfs quick and get the error message:"Virtual Disk Service error: The media is write protected."

I try it again without the Quick command and get the same error...

PLEASE HELP!!! I am going crazy and have been fighting this thing for three full days!!!

Thanks in advance for all of your help!!!!

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