Win 10 DVD drive recognised as a CD also cannot open iso files are these 2 Problems related? Is there a solution to either?


Jams O'donnel

I have a windows 10 Pro installation currently Version 1803. Asus WS x-99 usb 3.0 Mainboard.I use a Swiss German Bluetooth keyboard although the system is English, don't ask ;) Sometime back, I can't exactly remember, I suspect after a windows 10 update, my internal DVD drive which was attached to an internal SATA port stopped working altogether. After many attempts to fix it I disconnected it and connected an external DVD via a USB port. Win 10 can see the DVD Drive in explorer but it is listed as a CD Drive although it can't read CDS either! In hardware manager it sees it as a DVD drive! I have tried several USB drives all the same. I have revealed hidden devices in the manager and deleted anything not currently in use ie not highlighted.I have tried various fixes suggested by various forum users found on google although most seem to be from 2017 or 2018 including uninstalling/reinstalling the DVD/ SATA /Intel Chipset from ASUS etc

I have also tried the registry fix regarding "upper limits" etc .However I have several keys with the name [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e965-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}. !!!??? I find this strange!

So I went through all of them and deleted any reference to "upper or lower filters" of course after rebooting the mouse didn't work, although the led was lit etc... so luckily I had a system restore point at hand.

I have also tried the: reg.exe add "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\atapi\Controller0" /f /v EnumDevice1 /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001 and rebooted but again to no avail, I shall try again this evening to check syntax etc...So I can no longer Load Data from DVDS , I have a lot of Drum and music Samples I would like to load and I also recently downloaded a music VST from Native Instruments and they come in the form of iso files which I can no longer mount. The error generated "you do not have the rights to open this file"

I have tried repossessing the file to be come the owner in the security tab and have given myself all rights but to no avail.I have tried copying the iso to a new destination same story no go

I shall this evening make a new user account and see if that brings anything I always run the cmd line with administrator rights etc.

In the name of Bill gates does no one have a solution for this ! Is it possible that these 2 problems are somehow related?

I have heard that some people have installed 3rd party optical device burn software and this cured the DVD problem?

Also someone mentioned iTunes? has anyone any comments regarding that. Apparently there is a setting in the sound control panel where you can give or take away exclusive rights for a specific device ? I haven't tried that yet I shall also attempt to unistall iTunes as i hardly ever use it.I also have a software from Sony for a MP3 player maybe i should get rid of that?

Mainboard Asus x99-E WS Usb3.1,Graphic card Asus Geforce GTX 1060, 32 GB ram , SSD samsung 512 EVO Pro x 2, several 4TB HDDs, MS Office, Adobe CC, Cubase 9.5, Davinci Resolve, Sony catalyst Browse/Prepare/, iTunes, Sony media manager, Acrobat reader, Sketchup, Xplane 11, RME Fireface soundcard. I can't think of anything else relevant.

Anybody got any ideas much appreciated, I'm a bit stuck!

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