windows 10 icon disappear after waking from sleep mode



first of all, forgive my bad english, i try to make this understandable.

this thread is not for asking question, but rather to giving solution or opinion to the subject.

just now im facing with problems where my windows 10 icons disappearing after waking from sleep mode. plus, i cannot open any softwares, even ive clicked them, they wont maximize or give display, they just show only at the taskbar. tho i restarted my pc many time, it didnt solve my problem. ive read a lot, i mean alot of threads, and none of them seem to be helpful. so im trying to help to those out there that having the same problem as i am.

so i tried many ways, cause i dont want to reinstall my window or format my pc. anddd i found it, the problem is the desktop view is actually in a table mode, or a 2 side desktop view. if u hover ur mouse toward far left, u will notice ur mouse kinda went missing, its actually on the other left side of the desktop. all u need to do is to catch the SETTING.

1. try in any way to open 'Setting' either in search windows, or from start button.

2. u will notice the setting will now display, but its wont show on desktop but only at the taskbar.

3. hover ur mouse to the setting at the taskbar and clicked it (greyed)

4. now the tricky part, hover ur mouse to the far left of the desktop and try to click and hold and bring it to the far right (this technique is suppose to catch the setting that displaying on the other side of the left desktop)

5. if u manage to catch it, next, in the setting, open display feature.

6. scroll down until u find multiple displays

7. click 'duplicate this display'

8. and u good to go.

i hope this help u guys out there.

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