Windows 7 - Outlook not listed under Default Programs - Mailto protocol stuck on Google Chrome



Ever since moving to Chrome as my default browser instead of Explorer 11, and clicking on an email link on a web page or in an email, it automatically opens Gmail. I am unable to set this back to Outlook. Using control panel "associate file type or protocol with a specific program', the mailto: protocol option only provides Chrome as a choice. Office/Outlook is not listed.

Control Panel / Set your default programs - does not show Outlook as a potential default program.

The Outlook option checkbox of 'Make Outlook your default email program', does nothing.

Before making Chrome the default browser, this all worked fine. Clicking a mailto link brought up Office/Outlook.

Interestingly, in the registry, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / mailto / shell / open / command is set to Outlook.exe as is

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / software / classes / mailto / shell / open / command

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / Protocols / handler / mailto - is {3050f3DA-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} as is

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / Wow6432Node / Protocols / Handler / mailto and

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / software / classes / protocols / handler / mailto and

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / software / classes / Wow6432Node / Protocols / Handler / mailto and

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / software / Wow6432Node / Protocols / Handler / mailto

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / software / microsoft / windows / shell / assocaitions / URL Associations / mailto / UserChoice is ChromeHTML

HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-14291... / software / microsoft / windows / shell / associations / urlassociations / mailto / userchocie is ChromeHTML

This has been annoying for months as I need to cut and paste email addresses since Outlook is my primary email client. I have been unable to find a way to return the default program for mailto to open Outlook again.

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