Win10 pro Build 1809 (17763.503) : Bluetooth SPP ( virtual COM) failure after running several minutes



I use windows 10 pro Build 1809 (17763.503) on Surface Pro 3. X64

After connecting to Bluetooth device with SSP profile , a virtual COM port is generate by windows.

I wort an app by C# that open the port and sent data to TX every 200ms) I make sure all bytes are received on the destination).

The connection is serial asynchronous.

After several minutes the connection is failed and I gets error that some windows API thread is failed ( error 259).

The Tx or RX buffer is not full.

I tried this with other PC with the same build. And I get the same failure.

This issue happens also when using desktop application ( like DockLight and other), so the Reason is not in my SW .

*** this issue happen after I upgrade to this windows build.

I have second PC with older build And this failure does not occur.

****** After many tests I have no doubt that the problem with Windows ***

Please your advice

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