What are the registry values to check to repair Windows 7 Ultimate from?


Kool Daddy Fresh

My rig shut down on me during an upgrade from Avast and now it freezes on load up and my pc restarts. It's basically a rinse and repeat situation. I have done all the Windows repair tricks in system reserve and even from the disk. I've done sfc/ scannow /offbootdir=D:\ /offwindir=D:\windows and it says nothing is wrong. Can't use the back up hives because they are to old and sadly for some reason I don't have a system image point to restore to. I only have a clean image from when I first got the pc of my os. Not an option. Let's just get that out the way first. lol The product key for the rig is oem I believe because for some brilliant reason I Microsoft won't let me download a copy of my own legit os, but it let's me upgrade it to Windows 10 on another hard drive. lol That makes absolutely no type of sense to me.

So I had to go to Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool in order to download a legit copy which from what I read is the only other way to get one. Not being sure which exact copy to grab I just grabbed the most recent and newest dated August 2018 I believe it is. That being said I am not sure if I can do a repair install booting from the dvd directly because I read some where you have to be in Windows for that to happen. Which I thought great. That's just perfect because well if I could get in to Windows I wouldn't need to do a repair install now would I? lol :D

What I find interesting though is out of all my research on registry fixes they all only and mainly tell you how to put the old crusty dated ones back in. That doesn't work for me either because tried that and Windows 7 pooted them back out at me and said thanks, but no thanks and if you make me eat this then you won't be allowed to type anymore. lol So I need to know exactly what values to look at in my friendly neighborhood registry editor so that I may make the Windows 7 web sling it way back in the to basking of the glory of the Spider-Matrix. Any help in this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. :)

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